Tuesday, March 30, 2010

My most disliked verses in the Bible

Three days of struggling through computer generated tax software in order to do one Federal & two state returns brought me to the point of meltdown. And all because of a couple of verses (Romans 13:6-7 cf. ! Peter 2:13) that instruct those who follow Christ to pay taxes. It does not matter that I am in strenuous disagreement with most of what the money is spent on, nor my qualms about its constitutionality. Nor does my frustration with computers count for much. "The earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof, the world and all who live in it." (Ps. 24:1) Everything belongs to God; He has given me a fraction as a stewardship, and the command to pay taxes. As Jesus said, "Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's." (Matthew 22:21)

Thankful to take early morning walks again, although the reality of no shoulders on these country roads has me down in the ditch every time a car approaches. Various canines also wish to make my acquaintance, that I might supply them a meal, or at least the satisfaction of driving away an intruder on their personal highway.

Should trek on to Memphis soon, crossing the Mississippi River, and entering the eastern half of the U. S. Looking forward to my southern swing including some states- Alabama, Miss, Georgia that I've never visited. God is faithful, may I emulate Him.

Thursday, March 25, 2010


As a life long student of history, I am struck again and again by the resemblance of the United States ca 2010, to the fall of the Roman Republic. Although many things contributed to its demise, many historians view the crossing of the Rubicon river by Julius Caesar & his army as the turning point. One cannot help seeing the recent passage of the health reform package as our turning point. I believe both reflect God's judgment and ultimate authority. "And He made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place..." (Acts 17:26 ESV) We are paying for our cumulative individual sins.
Am doing my taxes and enjoying the small town ambiance of my sister's residence. Enjoyed conversations with my friend Josh last night & my friend M. T. today. It stopped raining but too early for the buds of spring.
Thankful that by the grace of God I am a citizen of heaven (Phil 3:20)and an pilgrim and sojourner on the earth. Like Abraham I desire "a better country, a heavenly one." (Hebrews 11:13-16)
My sister is tempting me with home made cookies and I have a sweet tooth a mile long. Dentists get rich as a result.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010


After driving over 2,100 miles in four days, I am fatigued. Left San Diego Saturday morning, and climbed from sea level to over 4,000 feet elevation, and then within a hundred miles back to sea level again at a place called Date Land, home of the date shake. Made it to Tucson, where i stopped in at a friend's restaurant (Epic Cafe)& had a great bowl of potato chowder soup. Thanks Papa Two Feathers. Decided to drive another 150 miles & spent the night in Lordsburg, N. M. Most of my journey was through the deserts of the southwestern U. S., an area distinguished by rocks and scrubs. Sunday morning I drove through the rest of New Mexico and much of West Texas, an interminable trek, ending up in Sonora, TX.
Monday saw me journey on to New Baden, in E. Texas, to my friends Travis & Carol. Carol was ill but Travis treated me to a catfish dinner at a Mexican place. Apparently eating catfish is a Friday night tradition, although I did it on Monday. It made me wonder whether this originated in the days when Spain, with its Catholic religion, controlled the area. (Texas experienced a bewildering array of flags in the short period between 1819 & 1865- Spain, Mexico, Republic of Texas, Union, Confederate, & back to Union again.) Travis & I had two good conversations before I moved along Tuesday morning. Six hundred and sixty-five miles later (12 hours with stops) I arrived at my sister's home in MO.
Traveling is boring & even with a GPS I got off track twice, although not badly. It seems impossible to eat in a healthy way, whether at restaurants, or at people's homes. (I appreciate my standards are different than most) I'm thankful for the chance to cook for myself for the next week. Driving along does offer the opportunity to reflect on things, like the session of Jesus Christ, i.e. what He is doing now between his first and second comings.

Saturday, March 20, 2010

City of Refuge

Swirled around for two and a half days at City of Refuge, a community in San Diego dedicated to ministering to the poor and needy. Started by a couple named David & Christine over thirteen years ago out of the back of their dwelling, the work has grown to a diverse group of approx. 25, living in half a dozen small rented houses, who serve over thirty tons of food per month. I arrived on a wednesday afternoon & received quarters in the Mission House, used for visiting missionaries & workers. The community eats together most evenings. Thursday morning i accompanied a group of four who went to people's homes to hand out bags of food. Most of the recipients were female. All looked forward to their weekly visit. Thursday evening I went with my friend jonathan, and a non-community member named Vanessa, who wanted to see what it was like, out on the streets to minister to homeless people. Jonathan exhibited the true love of Christ towards those he met. We handed out beverages and snacks. (S.D. ordinances prohibit handing out cooked food w/o meeting restaurant standards.) Those whom we visited showed genuine appreciation for both the edibles and the valuing of them as people that we brought.
Friday morning I joined a group who walked up to the "warehouse" several blocks away. Here we broke down cardboard boxes & loaded them onto a truck, unloaded food into the warehouse, which has a numbers of refrigerators, shelves, and floor space, and watched others set up musical equipment for the next outreach. I wasn't with the group long enough to understand thew rthymns of their life. Sometimes it seemed like a band of gypsies appearing and disappearing. Nonetheless these people are on the front lines of ministry to those whom Jesus describes in Matthew 25:31-46

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Drove down late Monday afternoon to Carlsbad & spent the evening & the next day with my friend Ron & his wife Delia. Ron has a strong vision for the relational unity of the Body of Christ as Jesus prayed for in John 17 and is also an established commercial artist. We enjoyed good fellowship together. Tuesday morning Kerry & Johnny, two brothers I know from a sojourn in San Diego ca 1978-81 came up for lunch & fellowship. Kerry is an aspiring writer who rendered dramatic readings of two short stories he had written, one about a physically challenged neighbor & the other about memories of the Eel river in Weott, CA. Always a treat to interact with another writer.
That evening Ron, Delia & I went to see a short film made by a young man whom they have known for many years. Titled "Bible Thumpers", it took a semi campy look at spiritual warfare. Daniel has great potential for the future. Returning to Ron's home I mentioned that God Himself is the source of all genuine creativity because He made everything & continues to create with every new sunrise & cloud formation. "The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies show the work of his hands." (Ps. 19:1)
Wednesday morning received a call from my friend John, just prior to his four day visit to a prison with a team of men to minister. He asked me to visit a young family struggling with some issues. I spent two hours listening, counseling, asking questions, seeking discernment and wisdom from God for them. In a nutshell this is why I'm out here doing this itinerant ministry rather than back in Boston making money. Even though we had never met one another I believe God used my availability (in contrast to ability)as a vessel for Him to work.

Monday, March 15, 2010

L. A.

Drove down to the L. A. area a week ago. Spent much of that time with Bill & Ileana enjoying their hospitality. Gathered with their home church Tuesday evening & shared a little about the ministry that God has called me too. Wednesday evening I saw a brother named Jim I had known from the old days & not seen for over 30 years. Met his wife Patti & two of their three children. Jim was one of the loyal foot soldiers in G. O. who went on to produce lots of good fruit, particularly in ministry to men.
On Thursday had the opportunity to spend time with Ross & Trina, an itinerant couple from the Boston area, at their children's home in Orange County. Had good fellowship, and also the chance to connect Steve, their son-in-law, with a group up in the Sacramento area, where he will take occupational training for the next six months. I am thankful when the Lord uses me to connect different people or groups together relationally.
Friday saw me getting together with Kenton for several hours and learning about a budding relationship in his life. He is a great younger man for whom I am thankful.
Took my leave of Bill & Ileana to jet down to Orange County Saturday morning to help my daughter and her husband move into a new apartment. Young friends facilitated their efforts and all went smoothly. Took the opportunity to talk to her about the unity of the body of Christ as Jesus prayed for in John 17.
Then Sunday afternoon trekked to LA (it seems impossible to go anywhere at any time in the LA metro area without running into traffic problems) to visit my friend Steve and his wife Margaret. Ended up having a great discussion with them and their friend Ted from Portland about house church. They asked a number of key questions and we ended up looking at the theme of the Lord's Supper in some detail. Quite refreshing to interact with people who are genuinely curious in this approach.
Today I hope to connect several brothers, and then go to visit our brother Ron in Carlsbad this evening. Am very thankful to God for recent validations to what I believe He has called me to do. Appreciate any and all prayers during this "road" time.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Different Species?

In Proverbs 30, Agur writes, "Three things are too wonderful for me, four I do not understand; the way of an eagle in the sky, the way of a serpent on a rock, the way of a ship on the high seas, and the way of a man with a maid." As I lay contemplating the vast differences in the way in which men and women perceive and relate to the world around us, the last phrase of verse nineteen popped into my mind. Although well into middle age, I still find women mysterious. I recognize that God has created them to respond to their environment in contrast to the initiation that He has wired into men yet it seems like women see life in vivid, living color while men see it in dreary black and white. Then God takes men and women, who sometimes seem like different species to me, and gives them extraordinary, powerful attraction for one another. I suppose this reflects His sense of humor. (I'll offer the usual caveats that different does not imply better or worse, although I suspect this won't help.)

On another note, as I reflect on taking leave of the San Francisco Bay Area House Church, (what a mouthful)with whom I spent the last four months, I am filled with gratitude to God and to them. They received me with warmth, trust, hospitality, generosity and receptivity. "May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope." (Romans 15:13 ESV)

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

On the Road

Having trouble with Internet connection again, which has postponed blog entries. Adjusting to living out of my car- using it as a closet. Boring drive down I-5 to Ontario, CA on Monday after a nice sendoff from some of the saints in Hayward. Thanks for the prayers, gifts, and farewells. Nice lunch with my daughter on Tuesday, in which she showed me some work she did in her professional capacity. Met last night with brethren in a HC in the Inland Empire, east of LA. Welcomed new people, worshiped together, spoke briefly about the ministry that God has called me to, and examined a passage in Luke 14. Today am having done all the automotive repair work that has piled up over the last few months- oil change, rear brakes, 2 new tires.
Should have opportunity to connect with several people in the LA area, Steve Byroads, Jim Siler, Ross & Trina. Surprised that it is no warmer here than in San Francisco, 400 miles farther north.
GO alumni- have read about half of D'Arcy Fallon's memoir & will comment once I've finished it.
"And it is my prayer that your love may abound more and more, with knowledge and all discernment, so that you may approve what is excellent, and so be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, filled with the fruit of righteousness that comes through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of God." (Phil 1:9-11 ESV)
Read a short book on forgiveness by Rodney Hogue. Crucial theme for all believers.