The vast majority of societies that have ever existed have been composed of a small, rich elite, and a large number of subsistence farmers with virtually no one in the middle. The agriculturalists faced punishing taxation and the threats of war, disease and famine. If at any point they decided to revolt they were usually defeated by a combination of superior discipline, weaponry and troops skilled in their use. They had no electricity, or modern medicine or technology. In the words of Winston Churchill, their lives were "nasty, brutish and short."
In 1787 fifty-five men gathered in a sweltering Philadelphia summer and hammered out a document known as the Constitution. Their purpose was to provide a central government for the then thirteen independent states which would preserve many rights for those states and for their inhabitants. While certainly not perfect the document produced was designed to have a system of checks and balances that would prevent any one individual or small group from attaining superior power over the rest of society. Coming from a Biblically oriented world view, the Founders understood the innate selfishness of man and his lust for power. Their aim was that no one could be above the law as was the case in every other society.
In the last fifty years this purpose has been systematically thwarted and is now being shredded. The Constitution is decried as a piece of paper written by dead white men, some of whom owned slaves. It is said to have no relevance to a modern world. The inevitable result is that the US is descending into the same morass as every other society where those who have the gold; i.e. the politically connected, makes the rules. Increasingly political leaders are above the law. Those who work for them take the same attitude.
"The coming of the lawless one is by the activity of Satan with all power and false signs and wonders, and with all wicked deception for those who are perishing, because they refuse to believe the truth and so be saved. Therefore God sends them a strong delusion, so that they may believe what is false, in order that all may be condemned who did not believe the truth but had pleasure in unrighteousness" ( 2 Thessalonians 2:9-12 ESV)
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
Monday, July 28, 2014
July 28 Update
Am thankful for the practical outworking of the revelation given me sometime ago regarding the respective roles of the Lord Jesus Christ and myself. He said that He would build the church ( Matthew 16:18) and that I (and any other obedient follower) are to make disciples. Am very thankful to see Him honoring my feeble efforts. All four of the men whom He has given me to disciple are now working with others. Am also very thankful for the practical equipping, support and accountability given to me by my disciple maker. As Paul wrote, "Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, to present everyone mature in Christ." ( Colossians 1:28)
Have also been inspired to renewal of Bible memory. Some twenty years ago reading the biography of Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators ministry, inspired me to learn over one thousand verses including a number of Psalms and the books of Colossians, 2nd Timothy and 1 Peter. Sadly i stopped the essential review and lost many of these verses although the practice of reciting the reference (book, chapter and verse) before and after the quoted verse enabled me to retain the locations Recently God has used our brother Ray to renew a desire for this. While i have learned a few new ones, many are being recalled and reviewed. This practice facilitates praise, prayer, ministering to others and teaching.
There is no guarantee that Christians in the US will retain any freedom including the ownership of Bibles. Memorizing verses may well be crucial in the days to come.
God is faithful. He is still at work in the earth. While many alleged US Christians are still intent on their personal pleasures and supposed needs, God will preserve a remnant just as He did in the days of Elijah. (cf. 1 Kings 19:18, Romans 11:4)
"To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever." ( Revelation 5:13 ESV)
Have also been inspired to renewal of Bible memory. Some twenty years ago reading the biography of Dawson Trotman, founder of The Navigators ministry, inspired me to learn over one thousand verses including a number of Psalms and the books of Colossians, 2nd Timothy and 1 Peter. Sadly i stopped the essential review and lost many of these verses although the practice of reciting the reference (book, chapter and verse) before and after the quoted verse enabled me to retain the locations Recently God has used our brother Ray to renew a desire for this. While i have learned a few new ones, many are being recalled and reviewed. This practice facilitates praise, prayer, ministering to others and teaching.
There is no guarantee that Christians in the US will retain any freedom including the ownership of Bibles. Memorizing verses may well be crucial in the days to come.
God is faithful. He is still at work in the earth. While many alleged US Christians are still intent on their personal pleasures and supposed needs, God will preserve a remnant just as He did in the days of Elijah. (cf. 1 Kings 19:18, Romans 11:4)
"To Him who sits on the throne and to the Lamb be blessing and honor and glory and might forever and ever." ( Revelation 5:13 ESV)
Sunday, July 20, 2014
Comfort Zones
In English we use a phrase, "comfort zone," or out of our comfort zone to indicate things that we really do not want to do. This may be because we don't know how, or it is too much trouble, or we know we should but just don't feel like it. As people get older it seems that their comfort zone get smaller and more rigid. There are fewer things that we want to do. For a citizen of the Kingdom of God this is not an option. If we are genuinely submitted to King Jesus then we can no longer have a comfort zone. No longer do we have the option of saying, "I don't feel like doing that, Jesus."
Unfortunately many claim that the Holy Spirit is not "unctioning" them to do something. In truth, the person does not feel like it but blames their disobedience on the alleged "leading" of the Holy Spirit. Many "believers" feel uncomfortable with sharing the gospel. When given an opportunity we usually let it go. But we compound our disobedience by claiming that the Spirit did not "lead" me to share.
If we understand the inspiration of the Word of God, which many don't, then the Holy Spirit is clearly commanding us to minister the gospel. 2 Peter 3:9b says that God is not willing that any should perish but that all should reach repentance. (ESV) Romans 10:13 says that everyone that calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." But verse 14 asks some important questions. "How then will they all on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" (ESV)
What about the command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations? ( Matthew 28:19) The reality is that our natural instinct, our fall back position, is rebellion. This is one of many reasons why God instituted discipleship. We need at least one person in our lives who has the freedom to instruct, discipline and correct us so that the pattern of rebellion can be broken in our lives. As Paul wrote, "Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so we can present everyone mature in Christ." (Colossians 1:28 ESV)
Unfortunately many claim that the Holy Spirit is not "unctioning" them to do something. In truth, the person does not feel like it but blames their disobedience on the alleged "leading" of the Holy Spirit. Many "believers" feel uncomfortable with sharing the gospel. When given an opportunity we usually let it go. But we compound our disobedience by claiming that the Spirit did not "lead" me to share.
If we understand the inspiration of the Word of God, which many don't, then the Holy Spirit is clearly commanding us to minister the gospel. 2 Peter 3:9b says that God is not willing that any should perish but that all should reach repentance. (ESV) Romans 10:13 says that everyone that calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved." But verse 14 asks some important questions. "How then will they all on him in whom they have not believed? And how are they to believe in him of whom they have never heard? And how are they to hear without someone preaching?" (ESV)
What about the command of Jesus to make disciples of all nations? ( Matthew 28:19) The reality is that our natural instinct, our fall back position, is rebellion. This is one of many reasons why God instituted discipleship. We need at least one person in our lives who has the freedom to instruct, discipline and correct us so that the pattern of rebellion can be broken in our lives. As Paul wrote, "Him we proclaim, warning everyone and teaching everyone with all wisdom, so we can present everyone mature in Christ." (Colossians 1:28 ESV)
Tuesday, July 15, 2014
Gift of Prayer
Romans 8:34 says that Jesus is at the right hand of the Father making intercession (praying) for us. 1 John 2:1 says that He is an advocate for us with the Father. "Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weaknesses. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercession for us with groanings that cannot be uttered. Now He who searches the hearts knows what the mind of the Spirit is, because He makes intercession for the saints according to the will of God." ( Romans 8:26-27 NKJV) This is one of the most important truths and promises of the entire Bible. When we pray we do not pray alone, and even when we are not praying, both the Lord Jesus and the Holy Spirit are praying for us.
We have the privilege of following their example by praying for others. I believe that while we may pray for any particular person at any time, there are certain people that God wishes us to pray for daily. Currently there are fifteen people whom I intercede for daily. Four of these are for their salvation. Six others are men with whom i am in a relationship of discipleship. What better way to express our love for someone than to commit to pray for them on this regular basis.
God blessed me with a great aunt whom i saw seldom during my childhood because of geographical distance but who assured me that she had prayed for me every day since my birth. I am convinced that this precious woman prayed me into the Kingdom and i am looking forward to seeing her again in the heavenly realms.
Oftentimes we do not see immediate results from our intercession. But faith is not what we see. Faith is the "substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." ( Hebrews 11:1 NKJV) And "he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (v.6)
After the disciples asked Jesus about prayer and He responded with the Lord's prayer, ( Luke 11:1-4) He tells a story about a man who goes to his friend at midnight to ask for food to give to guests. The friend refuses initially but because of his persistence gives what is asked. ( Luke 11: 5-8) We need to persist in prayer with God. Prayer is a product of faith.
We have the privilege of following their example by praying for others. I believe that while we may pray for any particular person at any time, there are certain people that God wishes us to pray for daily. Currently there are fifteen people whom I intercede for daily. Four of these are for their salvation. Six others are men with whom i am in a relationship of discipleship. What better way to express our love for someone than to commit to pray for them on this regular basis.
God blessed me with a great aunt whom i saw seldom during my childhood because of geographical distance but who assured me that she had prayed for me every day since my birth. I am convinced that this precious woman prayed me into the Kingdom and i am looking forward to seeing her again in the heavenly realms.
Oftentimes we do not see immediate results from our intercession. But faith is not what we see. Faith is the "substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen." ( Hebrews 11:1 NKJV) And "he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him." (v.6)
After the disciples asked Jesus about prayer and He responded with the Lord's prayer, ( Luke 11:1-4) He tells a story about a man who goes to his friend at midnight to ask for food to give to guests. The friend refuses initially but because of his persistence gives what is asked. ( Luke 11: 5-8) We need to persist in prayer with God. Prayer is a product of faith.
Thursday, July 10, 2014
A Simple Principle
By the grace of God His Word is being taught in many places all over this planet on a regular basis. Do those who listen understand their responsibility? Galatians 6:6 reads, "Let the one who is taught the word share all good things with the one who teaches." What does this mean? That if you or I are encouraged or learn something or are blessed by what we are taught, that we need to let the person doing the teaching know that. Why? For their encouragement and building in their faith.
I have heard men who teach lament the fact that despite extensive prayer and preparation they rarely receive any response from their listeners. Just the other day I heard this again from a man who teaches the Bible clearly, accurately and comprehensively. I have also experienced this.
Even a little encouragement goes a long way. Someone from another country wrote me last night expressing how two of my recent blog posts had impacted them. This morning i had breakfast with two children, aged eleven and five, of the family with which i stayed the night. The older asked me what kind of work that I do. After explaining that i was retired from regular work and was in full time ministry, he asked me if his dad could retire. I responded if God gave him the money to do so, and added that I live a simple life and do not spend very much money. "Oh," he said, "I remember you talking about that in church." This was about seven weeks ago yet he remembered. His five year old sister lifted up her thumb and mentioned something called the "Hand" illustration that I had shared a few weeks before. "Do you remember what the thumb represents," I asked. "Yes, obedience." ( Obeying the Word of God)
Now I have seen this principle misapplied, especially at house church conferences. Something will teach, and one or more (always) men will approach him afterwards to argue, usually on a minor, peripheral point. The verse says to share "all good things." Some commentators assert that this include financial provision also but i think that most teachers would be delighted to know that something they said was helpful to others.
I have heard men who teach lament the fact that despite extensive prayer and preparation they rarely receive any response from their listeners. Just the other day I heard this again from a man who teaches the Bible clearly, accurately and comprehensively. I have also experienced this.
Even a little encouragement goes a long way. Someone from another country wrote me last night expressing how two of my recent blog posts had impacted them. This morning i had breakfast with two children, aged eleven and five, of the family with which i stayed the night. The older asked me what kind of work that I do. After explaining that i was retired from regular work and was in full time ministry, he asked me if his dad could retire. I responded if God gave him the money to do so, and added that I live a simple life and do not spend very much money. "Oh," he said, "I remember you talking about that in church." This was about seven weeks ago yet he remembered. His five year old sister lifted up her thumb and mentioned something called the "Hand" illustration that I had shared a few weeks before. "Do you remember what the thumb represents," I asked. "Yes, obedience." ( Obeying the Word of God)
Now I have seen this principle misapplied, especially at house church conferences. Something will teach, and one or more (always) men will approach him afterwards to argue, usually on a minor, peripheral point. The verse says to share "all good things." Some commentators assert that this include financial provision also but i think that most teachers would be delighted to know that something they said was helpful to others.
Sunday, July 6, 2014
Churches Without Disciples
Imagine that a friend has invited you over to his home. When you arrive he offers to show you his car and take you for a drive. Although the car is not brand new, you see at once that it is well maintained. Both interior and exterior are very clean and the pride that your friend takes with the car is obvious. He opens the passenger door and you get in.
"Very comfortable."
Your friend gets in the driver's seat. Then he takes out his smart phone and begins to text. You wait patiently and soon his wife, sons and daughters come out of the house. You are a little surprised but the car is large and there will be room for everyone.
Instead of getting in the vehicle they all lineup behind it. This is rather odd but your friend shows no concern.
"Ready?" he asks you.
"OK," he yells out the window. After an instant you feel the car begin to creep along. Your friend's family is pushing the car.
"Are you trying to push start?" you ask in bewilderment knowing that that cannot be done with automatic transmission.
"No," he responds with nonchalance. "We always go places by pushing."
"Why? Doesn't the car have an engine?"
"No. It never had one."
"No. We've always done it this way."
"What about hills?"
"We try to avoid those and sometimes we can get the neighbors to help."
The absurdity of this is obvious. Would that the equal absurdity of trying to establish and build churches without disciples was equally so.
But this is what is happening allover North America. We have many congregations with a zillion different perspectives and distinctives yet we have ignored or disobeyed the foundational command of Jesus to make disciples. Humble people dedicated to learning and obeying all the commands of Jesus personally (Matthew 28:18-20) and His further commands through His apostles. (2 Peter 3:2)) How many have been and are being personally discipled? Have any of us become perfect like Jesus? Then we still need discipleship.
"Very comfortable."
Your friend gets in the driver's seat. Then he takes out his smart phone and begins to text. You wait patiently and soon his wife, sons and daughters come out of the house. You are a little surprised but the car is large and there will be room for everyone.
Instead of getting in the vehicle they all lineup behind it. This is rather odd but your friend shows no concern.
"Ready?" he asks you.
"OK," he yells out the window. After an instant you feel the car begin to creep along. Your friend's family is pushing the car.
"Are you trying to push start?" you ask in bewilderment knowing that that cannot be done with automatic transmission.
"No," he responds with nonchalance. "We always go places by pushing."
"Why? Doesn't the car have an engine?"
"No. It never had one."
"No. We've always done it this way."
"What about hills?"
"We try to avoid those and sometimes we can get the neighbors to help."
The absurdity of this is obvious. Would that the equal absurdity of trying to establish and build churches without disciples was equally so.
But this is what is happening allover North America. We have many congregations with a zillion different perspectives and distinctives yet we have ignored or disobeyed the foundational command of Jesus to make disciples. Humble people dedicated to learning and obeying all the commands of Jesus personally (Matthew 28:18-20) and His further commands through His apostles. (2 Peter 3:2)) How many have been and are being personally discipled? Have any of us become perfect like Jesus? Then we still need discipleship.
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