Friday, April 22, 2016
Wish I Had A Video
Monday morning I normally meet with two brothers to grow in Christ. This past Monday I witnessed such a rare event that I wish I had a video.
Brother # 1 was expressing a viewpoint on a Biblical topic and supported his perspective by saying that there were a lot of Bible verses that supported this. Brother # 2 asked #1 to provide some, which #1 did from memory. Brother #2 then offered some verses of his own to support his perspective. Let's think about this for a moment. I have witnessed and, unfortunately, participated in a number of differences of opinion about theological matters. Far too many times this led to an unedifying argument in which each brother ( it's always men who do this) maintained his view, typically by saying things like, "The Bible says," or "God says," or "everyone knows," etc. Rarely has there been an even tempered presentation of specific Bible verses to support one's "opinion." I halted the proceedings to congratulate the two brothers on presenting specific Bible verses to support their views. It was a good example of how we should interact with one another, especially over differences in doctrine or theology.
This week also had several fruitful times with individual brothers, finished the Mango language learning program and started from the beginning again. On Thursday I met with brother #1 separately and we continued in 1 Thessalonians 5. If we as believers would rejoice always, pray continually and give thanks in all things both our lives and those around us would be transformed.
A final thought concerning discipleship. i believe that a "bottom up" approach- making individual disciples- will yield better fruit than a "top down" approach- trying to move a whole congregation in this direction at the same time.
Sunday, April 17, 2016
April 17, 2016 thoughts
Currently I am studying Portuguese with the aid of a computer program called "Mango." Mango is the source of the following item. The famous Ipanema beach which inspired the song, "Girl from Ipanema," comes from a combination of two words in Tupi, an indigenous language of Brazil, which mean stinky lake. Received quite a chuckle from that one.
Of the remaining five major party candidates for President of the US, I believe that only Ted Cruz would safeguard the religious liberty of Christians. ( People of other religions receive preferential treatment in the US)
When one reads the comment threads on any subject from any source on the Internet the evidence that ours is a pagan society is evidenced by the absolute viciousness of 90% of them. Of course, the anonymous nature of these comments presents the opportunity for one's true colors to shine.
Regarding my last post I seem to be completely healed. The real test is when I resume walking.
Reading and praying written prayers is providing a rich blessing. God has blessed me with two different books, one a kind of liturgy, and the other a collection taken from the Puritans.
Continue to be amazed at how many readers of this blog are from countries that I have never visited and where I know no one. Thanks for reading.
"Let me never forget that the heinousness of sin lies not so much in the nature of the sin committed, as in the greatness of the Person sinned against." From "The Valley of Vision," prayers compiled by Arthur Bennett, pg. 79 pub. Banner of Truth, reprinted 2009
Saturday, April 16, 2016
Except for poor eyesight and bad teeth God has blessed me with very good health my entire life. For many years I have done a level of exercise. More recently this has become a 5.5 mile ( 9 kilometer) walk which includes a steep hill about five times weekly. Due to overseas travel and a lack of control of my schedule I have not been able to maintain this beginning in February. For about a year i have had minor, intermittent discomfort in an area just below my left knee but this has never impeded me from normal activity. On Thursday walked three miles on mostly level ground, my third opportunity in six days as i try to work back to my usual routine. Although there was some discomfort going down our long, steep driveway I completed this walk without difficulty. this was in the morning. Within two hours there was so much pain in that area that i could no longer walk but only hobble very slowly. It was very difficult to find any position where the area did not produce pain. Even during the night there was pain. The next morning I was crippled. Made an appointment to see a doctor and got in about noon. He prescribed anti-inflammatory and pain meds. Went to the pharmacy, returned home and began the regimen. Pain persisted throughout the day. Finally during the night as i was sleeping it subsided, and today I have only 10% of the pain I experienced yesterday. Had it been semi-permanent or permanent I would have had to use crutches and a wheelchair. While I understand that these bodies are not meant to last, it is striking how quickly I went from a relatively vigorous individual to a cripple who could not even walk around my bedroom. This does give me a better understanding and, hopefully, compassion for those who live in pain or are not ambulatory.
New memory verses for today are Psalm 91:1-2. "He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall dwell under the shadow of the Almighty. The Lord is my fortress and my refuge, my God in whom I will trust." May I trust You fully, Lord, no matter what happens.
Sunday, April 10, 2016
Brazil Visit # 5 Final Post
Ah, Brazil. Unfortunately not very close to the Northeastern US. Visited five churches in five cities in five weeks ranging from the small interior town of Carangola ( MG) to the large city of Porto Alegre. Was asked to share the Word of God nine times, three in Portuguese without a translator to house groups, married couples, pastors, and three general church gatherings. Topics included women, kingdom of God, prayer, personal relationship with God, the Word of God, and depending on the Spirit. Enjoyed the usual, extraordinary hospitality, saw old friends. Ate as sparingly as my culturally driven host (esses) would allow, and except for the excess quantity would cheerfully eat only Brazilian food for the rest of my life. Had some nice walks, although not enough, and attended a conference on meeting in homes. Read some good books, in English and Portuguese. Was bitten numerous times by hungry insects eager for a "gringo" dessert and, by the grace of God, do not seem to have contracted any diseases. Finally saw a video of the ( famous in Brazil) Paul Washer and was favorably impressed. My many Brazilian "chauffeurs" graciously declined to kill me on the roads.
The return journey was the usual endurance contest beginning at 11:30 Thursday morning in the south of Brazil and ending about 2:30 Friday afternoon at my home, sleepless and cranky. About half of this is actual travel, by car, bus and plane, and the rest is waiting in airports and bus stations. My Portuguese improved a little and, as usual, people said that they understood me. Unfortunately I did not understand them as well.
Wednesday, April 6, 2016
Brazil Visit, Post 14
Yesterday spent much of the day with a family. The dad is a chemical engineer, the mother a former dentist but now stay at home mom with three daughters. He showed me the guest quarters he is building; we talked about many things including the US elections, and i enjoyed the usual wonderful Brazilian hospitality. We also went to a supermarket, allegedly the best in all Brazil, where i bought a few items difficult to find in the US.
In the evening, in stifling heat and humidity, had been asked and taught on the theme of prayer with sixteen younger adults ( 20's and 30's) in attendance. Began with Genesis 1:26 and the idea that God created humans uniquely in His image for the purpose of relationship. We traveled to Mark 12:30 where the greatest commandment is to love God with all of our being. This SHOUTS relationship. We examined the beginning of Luke 11 where the disciples ask Jesus to teach them to pray. Some points we covered were "Father," ( a term of relationship) santification ( holiness) of God and His Name, "your kingdom come," ( the Lordship of Jesus in our lives), "daily bread," trusting God to meet all of our genuine needs including but not limited to the material, forgiving others as God has forgiven us ( unforgiveness is the spiritual equivalent of cancer in the physical, and protection from harm and evil, which ultimately only God can do.
Other points mentioned were perseverance in prayer ( 1 Thess 3:10), the intercession of both the Holy Spirit ( Romans 8:26) and the Lord Jesus (v. 34)for us, being expressive in prayer ( Hebrews 5:7), praying Biblical prayers e.g. 2 Thess 3:5, Romans 15:13, praying memorized verses, and the idea that discipline leads to desire. ( Daniel 6:10, 9:3)
Monday, April 4, 2016
Brazil Visit 5, Post 13
Not many highlights in the last week. Am staying in the home of a very hospitable family. Weather today was mild, perhaps 70F as opposed to below freezing and snowing in my home city. We went on a "passeio," an outing which took us through the center of the city at the onset of rush hour to sit on a bench by a beach in a lake adjacent to the city, to a meal at a little cafe, and finally our return through the conclusion of rush hour traffic. Supposedly only 30% of Brazilians own cars but there is no shortage of traffic.
Yesterday was the general meeting of the church, held at night. Calebe, a friend from former visits, and two of the young guys that he is discipling came to visit. We had good fellowship before he took me to his home. He is newly married and house sitting in the home of another friend. Last night after the meeting we visited the home of a man and his wife who take in abandoned youth through a government program. Currently they have six young boys. While spartan by US standards the house is spacious and has everything necessary for the boys.
A different night we visited the 93 year old dad of my hostess. He has a speech impediment which him even more difficult to understand. I still lose at least half of normal conversational speech.
Had several days of unidentified illness and finally was able to get the cysts on my scalp removed Saturday morning, a 2 hour process with general anethesia. They seem to be healing well thus far. Unfortunately this resulted in the cancellation of several opportunities to share with different home groups. Coming to the close of my time here. Am scheduled to talk about prayer to a group tomorrow night.
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