Tuesday, July 24, 2012


     Opine- to hold or express an opinion. I have haunted libraries for generations and have always understood that they were quiet places designed for reading or study. My current local library is consistently the noisiest one that I have ever encountered.
    I try not to follow the major news stories but they are impossible to avoid. The fraud, selective reporting, and bias of the media is blatant. Take the Trayvon Martin shooting. The cover of a major weekly news mag has what is probably his kindergarten picture on the cover. Have you ever seen a picture of what he looked like at the time of the shooting? He is six-two, muscular and covered with tattoos and allegedly in trouble with both school authorities and police who had almost arrested him several days prior. He was also a reputed drug dealer. Have you heard that on the news?The media lynch mob has long ago convicted George Zimmerman. If he should not be convicted I predict riots as in the Rodney King affair some years ago.
    The most recent Colorado massacre (apparently the more people that are killed, the more publicity) is the most recent example of an ongoing phenomenon that goes back at least as far as the Old Testament. (Try 1 or 2 Kings) Pagan societies require a steady supply of victims. Ours are paraded on the nightly news, radio, the Internet etc. around the clock. Most "news" consist of people murdered or otherwise victimized.
    Is it a generational thing that I think the current trend towards receiving government benefits is shameful? I know any number of younger Christians who don't want to work, and don't have too because of "transfer payments" or who may work but still are on some government subsidy. As one brother explained to me, he makes more money by not working. Is 1 Thessalonians 4:11-12 no longer in our Bibles? "That you also aspire to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands, as we commanded you, that you may walk properly towards those who are outside, and that you may lack nothing." (NKJV)

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