Over the course of writing this blog, I have received occasional comments. It seems fair to me that if I have the opportunity to write what i wish, that readers should have the opportunity to have their comments published. I do have to reserve the right to not publish as i have received a few vitriolic or otherwise problematic comments, but in general i will publish even if i don't agree with what is expressed.
The following is a comment on Luke 12 from my married daughter.
Luke 12:22-34 I have read this passage many times
and heard it preached many times, yet I feel I missed the message. My
focus was on not being anxious because God would provide for me, but I
missed the key element of Jesus asking us to focus on his kingdom. He
says it's his pleasure to give us the kingdom and later tells us to
store up treasure in heaven. He instructs us to sell our possessions and
give to the needy. I don't think he's kidding here. I think he's trying
to tell us where freedom and true treasure come from - letting go of
all of our earthly treasures and following him. As I mentioned before, I
think his purpose in requiring us to give away our possessions is
twofold. One because the freedom we experience in doing this makes room
for Jesus to be number one in our hearts. Two, he intends for us to
demonstrate his kingdom by meeting the needs of others. He has given us
more than what we need so that we can show his love to those who have
less than what they need. This is how I would define biblical justice.
One takeaway from her reflection is the blessing of reading the Bible over and over. As Job said, "I have treasured the words of your mouth more than my daily bread." ( Job 23:12) There is inexhaustible treasure in His Word. And He has given the Holy Spirit to reveal it to us.
"Now we have received not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might understand the things freely given us by God. And we impart this in words not taught by human wisdom but taught by the Spirit, interpreting spiritual truths to those who are spiritual." ( 1 Corinthians 2:12-13)
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