Tuesday, September 23, 2014

The Bible Says

Probably the most famous thing that many people believe that the Bible says is that "God helps those who help themselves." Many years ago i remember a man adamantly maintaining that it was in there somewhere even though he could not tell me where. By the grace of God I have read the entire Bible through dozens of times in several languages and a number of versions. The statement God helps those who help themselves is not in there.
   There is a related problem which i hear constantly. Christians say "God says," or "the Bible teaches." In many cases what they are saying God does indeed say and the Bible does teach. The problem is that most Christians, even those who have walked with God for decades, have no idea where the Bible says or teaches the things that they are opining about. Without the verification of specific verses or passages in the Bible it is just their opinion.
    This can and should be remedied but it will take some work. Consider the example of Jesus. When He was tempted by the devil how did He respond? By quoting the Old Testament. ( Matthew 4:4,7,10) The psalmist says that he "has stored up your word in my heart, that I might not sin against you." (Psalm 119:11 ESV) What does this indicate? They memorized the Word.
     In modern times we have an advantage that people in earlier eras did not. We have printing and newer technology so that the Scripture is readily available in most languages. We also have chapter and verse divisions not present in the original text. Thus we have a simple way to find things in the Bible. If we are willing to put in the work to memorize verses or passages of the Bible complete with the reference (book,chapter and verse) and then review them regularly we will have the word stored in our hearts ready for the Holy Spirit to use. I recommend learning and reciting the reference before and after the verse. Then even if you forget part of the verse you will usually remember the reference in order to find and review it.
     One big barrier to this is the belief that we can't memorize. This is an easily refuted lie of the devil. We remember many things such as the date of our birth, our social security number, the names of relatives, and information pertaining to our work or school. I don't have to look up how many quarts are in a gallon because I have memorized that there are four. I don't have to ask someone what the name of the ocean is that separates the US from Europe because i have memorized the name Atlantic.  I believed this lie until i began to actually try to memorize. Over one thousand verses later including six psalms and four NT letters later I know it was a lie.
   Memorized Scripture not only helps to minister to others by showing them where the Bible says something but is also helpful in prayer and in teaching and worship. May we grow in our faith and practice.

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