Sunday, December 14, 2014

Adventures in Brazil Part 12

Been having some Internet accessibility problems since arriving in Brasilia so will need to rely on my notes. Went to a grupo caseiro (in the home)meeting the first night and shared about fasting. Once again rapt attention was paid. Davi translated for me with a little help from Gabriel. Afterwards they had a little game where a person selected a folded little piece of paper, opened it to find a question. Mine was, if i could be someone in the Bible, who would it be and why? I choose Tychicus because he is little known, and because all five mentions of him in the NT are very positive. After answering the question one had a choice of various wrapped gifts. On a different night there was a similar game where people picked a little piece of paper from a basket with a biblical virtue written on it, and chose a person whom they believed had that virtue. Then the process was repeated, and everyone received a little bag with chocolate. That evening had a meeting at the home of Wagner, who shared using diagrams. This inspired me to share the "hand" illustration, and the "throne" diagram. In both cases there were between 15 and 20 people. This time Gabriel translated for me, and did the computer diagramming. A young married woman understands English very well but was a little shy about speaking. We made a deal that she could only speak to me in English. normally I try to speak in Portuguese with everyone. Davi gave me a little book that he wrote about fasting, very well done with extensive Scriptural details. Another evening I had dinner at a Brazilian barbecue restaurant, Gaucho style, with Beto, his wife, and another couple. The waiters just keep bringing the food. If I lived here for a year I would gain a hundred pounds. Beto spoke about the ongoing efforts to paganize Brazil through the legislative process. The next morning several brothers came over to the house for breakfast. One whom i had met the previous year gave a testimony of how God had used me in his life to understand that in the Body of Christ there is no American or Brazilian but we are all one in Christ Jesus.

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