Thursday, November 5, 2009

Too Many Miles

A special note to my daughter- You're beautiful and I love you

A special appeal to tech wizards. My fairly new laptop has developed a problem in which the cursor (the little white arrow thing) starts to bounce up and down uncontrollably. Any thoughts?

Since the first of September when I began traveling I have driven 8,440 miles including almost fifteen hundred in the past three days. I tire of this and am thankful for God's provision of a logistical and relational base in the San Francisco area for the next three months. He has given me a place to stay at a Christian men's house and a band of saints with whom I already enjoy trust and relationship.

One of the things I encounter on a regular basis are impoverished Christian visionaries of all ages who have extremely detailed plans and dreams but who don't, as the old expression goes, have two nickels to rub together. Does this represent the fulfillment of the Proverb (28:19) that says He who works his fields will have plenty of bread but he who pursues fantasies will have his share of poverty, or a failure on the part of God's people to give to His work? One must discern in each individual case; sometimes it's hard to tell.

Last Saturday I went to Sacramento and enjoyed the hospitality and fellowship of Brian and his family. He has a strong teaching gift. On Sunday we went to their home gathering where I encountered another phenomenon I have been seeing more of lately, that of people already related (in a natural family) meeting together. This has the advantage of building on existing trust and relationship. As long as they are willing to welcome in those not part of their natural family I think it reflects God's heart.

On Monday I made the trek to Eureka, Ca where I lived for three years in the '70s. I left in '78 and have visited one other time in the interim. (Jan. '96) I guess the old adage that you can't go home again applies here. Eureka has changed and now sports the same franchise retail and restaurant places that you find everywhere else in the country. I did enjoy a fruitful afternoon with Jim Jr., a brother who is exploring the depths of God's grace. Drove to Crescent City in the dark- not something I want to do much more of. On Tuesday drove another 400+ miles to Portland. Things did not work out as I anticipated (poor planning on my end) and so I drove 650 miles on Wednesday back to the Bay Area.

1 comment:

  1. I have a similar problem with my laptop when it becomes warm after extended us. Try using your ac outlet during prolonged times of use. That should make it cooler. Glad you had a good visit with Brian. Hope he also played the banjo for you are he won the Nation Banjo competition around 2004. BTW Brian is a humble fellow and would never promote himself nor his skills. He is a good brother in Christ.
