Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Back to Beantown

Busy day Sunday. Breakfasted with our brother Marcus, discussing a number of topics. We spent the most time on the vision that God has given to him & his wife Kristina, of concentrating on people in the same neighborhood in which he teaches & she ministers to pregnant mothers thru nursing. God is blessing them with a domicile. I am personally convicted that I need to spend far more time with those who don't know Christ. The Lord wants me to do the same things that i attempt to do with Christians- listen, respect, love, offer counsel & value. In my travels several people have presented a Luke 10 paradigm of kingdom growth & gospel presentation based on Jesus' instructions to the seventy-two disciples that He sent out. As I consider the thirty odd home groups that I visited in the last year, one common denominator is that they are not seeing any marked growth via new converts. Many reasons can be presented for why not but it seems to me like a car with flat tires. There is nothing wrong with the car itself but we need to fix the flats in order to use it. So I am very thankful for those, like Marcus & Kristina, who are exploring different approaches.
Had lunch with my brother Jeff at Carrows restaurant. Thanks, Jeff & then off to the S. F. Bay house church gathering. Matt W shared on the love of God, a theme that never grows old & is always needed & then we had a rich time of prayer for our sister Angela & others. Monday's highlight was dinner & fellowship with our brother Andrew at an Indian place. Later we walked along the beach. Glad to know that he is doing well. Thanks bro, for the time together. Tuesday evening had the oppty. to share a little with the S. F group again on the Luke 10 theme before heading off to the airport, an overnight flight, and no sleep.

1 comment:

  1. Hello Rick,

    I also "breakfasteded...d this morning.
    Just joking with you.
    This is an excellent blog. My apologies for being so slow to join up. The Danvers Statement, in particular was SUPERB! Thanks for sending me your link.

    I have a conclusion to the Puritan vs. Separatist choice. After being undercover too long and losing my way, now I feel Separation may be better. Hope to find my way again.

    Thanks for trailblazing for so many. It takes a calling for certain, and I like the Tychicus inspiration that got you moving.
    Doug Chase
