Sunday, July 4, 2010


Before moving from Russ' place to Bud's home, met a 9 yr. old boy named Evan, apparently the son of a single mom, whom I did not meet. Even though he didn't say it explicitly, he yearned for a dad, a man in his life, and was young enough to believe that possible. How many Evans are out there, who will end up in gangs, or unnatural relationships etc. unless the Body of Christ reaches out to them?
Thursday evening met with Russ & Bill, part of the men's group I've have participated in for many years. I'm thankful for these brothers, who don't hesitate to challenge me if they think I'm getting off the track. May God bless all of us with those in our lives who will speak the truth in love.
Friday morning went to the bible study at Jake's garage. One dozen men from a number of churches participated. First Friday of the month is a time of prayer. Jesus asks in Luke 18:8b whether, when He returns, He will find faith on the earth? In context this refers to praying believers. I trust He will & this group encourages me in that belief.
Friday afternoon, in conjunction with Matt, Mary & their family, visited Josh & Rema, and made an appeal to them to remain in the Boston area to work together with us. I should mention that God has responded to the prayers of many and given me clarity of direction. For the remainder of the summer will continue in itinerant ministry in New England, visiting various individuals & groups. In the fall i commence a one year commitment to ministering in E. Boston with the ekklesia there. I hope to rent a room & find work in the immediate area. Am hoping that God will provide laborers to bring in a harvest of souls into His kingdom.
Saturday morning received the warm hospitality of Dave & Chris, friends from the Jesus People days, a healthy pancake breakfast, fellowship, answers to questions & catching up. Later Saturday trekked back to CT. to spend time with Chris & Carolyn. Both are deep thinkers whose company I enjoy.
Today had the blessing of visiting the house church in Waterford and sharing a little of what God has shown me over the past year. Afterwards had a strong time of prayer with Paul & Donna. I thank God for their friendship & hospitality.

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