Saturday, February 12, 2011

Marginalizing ourselves

Most of us wish to be taken seriously when we are being serious. We desire the respect and attention of others. One common problem that prevents this, and marginalizes us in the process, is continual disagreement. Now I understand that as humans we have opinions on many things, and that our opinions differ. However it is not necessary to verbalize every single difference. Part of the maturational process is to "pick your spots," so that you save your credibility for the really important issues. The person who is continually disagreeing or inserting their own nuance into a group will find himself becoming ignored over time. No one will take him seriously because they anticipate he will disagree ahead of time. As my mother used to say, "A word to the wise is sufficient."
Enjoyed a fruitful time of prayer and fellowship with our brother Alex this morning before heading down to CT. Alex is growing in his faith by leaps and bounds. Spoke with our brother Chris on a little jaunt in the crisp winter air about the resistance to Bible teaching and the desire of many to dilute the impact of the Word of God to something they are comfortable with. He experiences the same phenomenon.
Thankful for a good time of fellowship with our brother Josh last night. He is asking God for an accountability partner as he seeks healing and growth in his life. May you, joyful Father, grant Josh's plea.

1 comment:

  1. children are also sometimes shut-out or ignored in the manner you describe.
    Maturity includes setting aside our opinions and embracing wisdom. The Spirit is aiding us to mature one another in Christ by way of Spirit fruit. In Christ, we're empowered to help a younger brother/sister move forward.
