Wednesday, January 11, 2012

A little History

Preaching to the Athenians Paul says, "And He has made from one blood every nation of men to dwell on all the face of the earth, and has determined their preappointed times and the boundaries of their dwellings." ( Acts 17:26 NKJV) In other words, God is sovereign over the rise and fall of nations. At the end of World War II (1945) the U.S. stood dominant in the world. Six percent of the population of the planet produced fifty percent of total economic output. One result was the "Baby Boomer" generation, approximately twice the size of the generations preceding or following it. The 1950's, often derided, were a time of relative tranquility. In the second grade I received a nickel a week allowance. Every Tuesday I purchased a pack of baseball cards, which contained six cards and a piece of gum. During my childhood and teenage years I remember other prices such as 29 cents for a gallon of gas, 69 cents for a gallon of milk, ( 59 cents on sale) and $2,500 for a brand new American car.
Many people, such as the Christian historian David Barton, consider the Supreme Court decision outlawing school prayer ( circa 1963)as the turning point into national decline. This was followed by the Kennedy assassination (1963) when i was in sixth grade. I remember my fourth grade teacher, whom we considered an old battle axe, weeping. President Johnson ushered in the escalation of the Vietnam War, a tortuous debacle, and the Great Society, the superseding of state, local, charitable, family and church efforts to help people by the ever expanding Federal bureaucracy. 1968 brought the murders of Robert Kennedy, Martin Luther King, and the riots in Chicago for the Democratic National Convention. A whole generation was in upheaval. The early 70's saw the Supreme Court decision, overturning the laws of 49 of the 50 states, to allow abortion on demand, leading to the slaughter of tens of millions of unborn children, going off the gold standard, which led to rampant, ongoing inflation, and the loss of the Vietnam War.
Scrolling ahead about forty years we see our chickens coming home to roost. God is judging us for our sins. We yearn for but do not elect leaders of virtue and integrity. We labor under massive debt. We penalize the most economically productive members of society. And we prove that the natural condition of humanity is bondage- to sin, and in allowing powerful elites to control us. If we will not submit to a loving God, we will be coerced by an all powerful government.

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