Monday, January 30, 2012


God is always working in our lives; sometimes we are more aware of it. Some of the things I have witnessed or participated in during the last several days include a young brother agreeing to receive mentoring and discipleship on a ongoing basis, a joint brothers' meeting between two very different churches, a stimulating evening with a couple that I know from the Jesus People days who are still actively serving the Lord, getting involved with young college students, Brazilian-American pastors and hoping to embark on itinerant ministry, a men's Bible study with brothers from a number of different unrelated churches that is going strong after fifteen years, our little group getting together for two solid hours of prayer Saturday morning, and a nine year old girl with no way to earn money nor any allowance giving a significant amount of her resources to bless others entirely of her own response to God.
In addition I heard testimony this morning and yesterday of families and groups going to visit people in other house churches for mutual encouragement and edification. This is something that i have hoped and prayed to have happen for years. Our little group also had the opportunity to host another celebration outreach on Sunday inviting people from other churches and from the projects. We ended up with about seventy adults and teenagers and a number of younger children. It was a real testimony to the leading of the Holy Spirit to see brothers and sisters responding in various ways, spontaneously seeing needs and meeting them, and also to see the unity and mutual encouragement of many people, some of whom either had not previously met or did not share a common first language. Thanks to Mariana for translating, and it was a joy to see Eddie and Jessica again after a number of years. People also came from neighboring states. We intend to do this again on the last Sunday of each month.

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