Monday, April 23, 2012


     God has graciously allowed me to enter into what I could call an experiment. Can a group of men whom God has taken out of a traditional church structure, and given shepherding responsibilities in a number of different home based churches, develop deep relational unity founded on their individual relationships with Christ so that they can work together in a practical way to advance the Kingdom of God? These brothers have varied backgrounds and many different theological perspectives and understandings. Most do not know each other very well. Some are older and some younger. Most have very strong convictions.
     Everything is voluntary and anyone could potentially withdraw from the "experiment"at any time. No one is receiving any remuneration to participate. Most of us don't live in close proximity to one another. While two of us are "facilitating," there is no authority figure and no one is obligated to submit to anyone else. Whatever we do is because we are persuaded by the Holy Spirit.
     This may not bear lasting fruit. I hope I am wrong. I am thankful to take part in the experiment and appreciate readers' prayers that the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ will lead and sustain us. I believe that this is what He desires.

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