Monday, April 9, 2012

Monday, April 9

Received a call this morning from an old friend named Doug, who provided hospitality for me in North Carolina during my travels. The timing was providential as i was discouraged over the state of the house churches with whom i have relationship in New England. Doug knew nothing of this but his admonition to walk by faith and not by sight, and to persevere hit home. As he spoke God showed me that i had much to thank Him for. Thanks, Bro.
Yesterday I was asked by the fifth different person in the last month about my understanding of predestination & Reformed theology in general. Prior to that I don't think anyone had asked me in the last five years. For my first twenty-five years in the Lord I was in a "free will" environment, and was unfamiliar with any other view. Through reading Wayne Grudem's Systematic Theology, questions that my daughter posed, and some other books became familiarized with the general concepts. At one point I did try to resolve the question for myself but did not come to any final conclusion. For years I have danced around the subject, and, in contrast to many other topics, haven't taught on it. The debate seemed to center around our understanding of the process of salvation, rather than people actually getting saved. Now I am convicted that i need to study and ask God for revelation so that i can respond from a Scriptural standpoint rather than offer my opinion. May God help me in this endeavor.

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