Wednesday, May 16, 2012


     My maternal grandfather, who disliked his original first name so much that he switched it with his middle name, used the name Barrett for the rest of his life. As a young man he served with the Signal Corps in France during the First World War. Much later when I was three, I ran into a pond with all my clothes on. My mother, occupied with my baby brother, saw my hat floating, and called my grandfather. He ran in with all his clothes on to rescue me from drowning. I remember him as a genial fellow in his older years. Now his name has resurrected with his great grandson. Thank you, Jesus.
     Enjoyed my brief visit to southern CA. Saw my friend Bill for lunch yesterday. Wish we lived closer. Took several walks in the hot sun. Enjoyed Mother's Day with my son-in law's parents, Chuck & Cynthia, and Chris' younger brother Casey, and then again Monday evening when we learned that my daughter would bear a grandson rather than a granddaughter. "Blessed is the first born son who opens the womb." (Luke 2:23 cf. Ex. 12) Now off to the Bay Area. God is faithful.

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