Recently in a gathering of twenty missionally minded believers I was asked what I thought was next for the church in North America. Without hesitation I answered, "persecution." Two examples are illustrative. I am informed that a major Christian college located in Canada will be forced to shut down operations because it refuses to hire homosexual professors and surrender to a unScriptural agenda. This violates "hate speech" laws. Yesterday the Supreme Court of the U.S. ruled that the Federal government can force citizens to purchase a good or product (health insurance), an unprecedented expansion of government power. This expansion is accelerating on all levels- local, regional and national. Romans 13:1-7 grants governments the power to coerce, by force if necessary. It is the responsibility of Christians to obey the law of the land. However, Acts 5 (specifically verses 40-42) indicates that in certain cases genuine believers have a higher authority. The apostles are forbidden by the Sanhedrin, the ruling body of Israel at the time, to speak in the Name of Jesus. They are flogged and released. But they continue to teach and preach in the Name of Jesus. The corollary is that they are willing to suffer.
In some countries with ongoing persecution, Christians form a tiny minority oppressed by far more numerous adherents of a different religion. Governments are not involved. But in some countries government authorities actively persecute those who believe in Christ. 2 Timothy 3:12 states clearly that all those who desire to live godly in Christ Jesus will suffer persecution. Jesus says that even as the world has hated Him that they will hate us also. (John 15:18ff) Persecution is coming. But be of good cheer, Jesus says, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33) "The Lord will rescue me from every evil deed and bring me safely into His heavenly kingdom. To Him be the glory forever and ever. Amen." (2 Timothy 4:18 ESV)
Friday, June 29, 2012
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
New Brunswick Report
June 25. 2012
God began it all
with a phone call out of the blue. It was a Tuesday, and I was in
Boston but intending to return home two hours away.
“Hi, this is Bill.
I'm down from Canada and interested in connecting with house church
Christians. Would you be interested in getting together?” Bill had
called two other people, whose contact he had discovered on the
Internet, who didn't have time or interest. He told me later he
figured I would have the same response. What he didn't know then was
that I live for this. I firmly believe that God has given me
availability for the precise reason of promoting the unity of the
Body of Christ, and encouraging its members.
We had dinner
together with his colleague Patti. Psychology professors, they had
come to the Boston area to talk to companies about employee wellness
programs. We discovered a lot of common ground, and that God was
moving us in similar directions. Bill has a strong desire to connect
with other parts of the Body of Christ as do I.
We met again a
few weeks ago when they returned to Boston on another business trip.
In the interim Bill had invited me to come to his home province of
New Brunswick, and also connected me with their networking website On Tuesday of last week I got up at 5AM to begin my
500 mile (800 kilometer) journey to Fredericton. I went Mass Turnpike
to 495, and then up 95 through New Hampshire and into Maine. Stopped
in Bangor to get gas, purchase Canadian currency & lunch. Prior
to Bangor there was a lot of traffic and continual road construction.
The last 200 miles (320K) to Fredericton, the capital of New
Brunswick, were peaceful.
Pulled into the
city about 4:30 and found Bill's office. His colleague Karl had hoped
to meet me but thought I was coming in later. Catherine, their
pleasant, efficient secretary, greeted me and gave me directions to
the motel where I was to lodge. Karl came to the hotel later. He had
been a regular church pastor for decades who had recently been led
out of the traditional church structure into home gatherings. Bill is
the visionary. Karl is the humble, quietly competent brother who
makes things work. I found him to be a good listener and wish we
could have spent more time one on one.
Wednesday morning a
brother named Chuck came by and we went to a little gathering across
the St. John's River, which separates the city of Fredericton into
two parts. Chuck was a former hippie, a recently retired psychology
professor, and had spent much time ministering in Africa. We gathered
at Mike's memorial business with his wife Anne, Karl, and a brother
named Matt. Mike and Anne are charismatics and fervent believers. One
of the potential blessings of meeting in homes is the blending of
evangelicals and charismatics sharing their gifts and strengths with
one another. Matt was also a former pastor, who like so many
Canadians that I met had either spent time or actually lived in the
Karl and I went
to the office where he videotaped me sharing a little of my personal
testimony, and also about the current arena of ministry that God has
granted me. Karl also videoed Chuck and Matt in a bit of a round
robin style.
We went to
lunch downtown in a cafe. Then Matt took me first on a walking tour,
and then on a driving tour of the city. His love for, and knowledge
of Fredericton impressed me deeply. One of the major problems with
house churches is that typically we are traveling long distances to
gather with like hearted people. As a result our impact on those
around us (our neighbors) is often minimal. Matt and his family moved
to Fredericton ten years ago and over time have developed many
relationships in the community- with believers and unbelievers, local
business people, the Mayor- developing genuine impact.
evening Bill hosted a gathering of people with a burden for unity and
networking. About twenty people came and each one shared a little
about who they were and what God was doing with them. One couple, Ron
and Joanne, particularly impressed me. They run something called The
Victory Center, an outreach for recovering drug addicts. Joanne gave
a moving testimony about persevering in marriage, and Ron expressed
the theme that maturity in Christ depended upon spiritual hunger. He
strikes me as a deep thinker, one who reflects on the things of God.
His thought about spiritual hunger continues to resonate with me.
Bill asked me to
share a little of my testimony and ministry, which I did before
launching into a four part appeal. The first part was on the central
importance of Jesus, that we not allow anything else, like house
church, to supersede Him. Part two focused on the balance of the Holy
Spirit and the Word of God. The third part, which I acknowledged as
probably the most difficult, was to not throw out the truth of
leadership in the Body of Christ but rather to seek the Lord about
how he would have us lead, i.e. in humility. Finally, as most of the
participants were seasoned saints, I appealed for them to be
spiritual fathers and mothers to those younger in the faith.
morning had breakfast with Mike, Anne, Karl and Bill. Bill wanted
Karl to videotape me reprising my appeal from the night before. After
we did this I took a walk along the river to the library. Then Chuck
and I had lunch together. God used Chuck to remind me yet again of
the central importance of prayer to the advance of the Kingdom. We
returned to his office for a wonderful time of prayer. God is at work
in New Brunswick.
That evening
Mike & Anne had invited me over for dinner. Anne was born in
England, still has a delicious accent, and spent her early childhood
in India. I encouraged them that whatever the status of the church,
God had determined to make her a bride without spot or blemish. We
drove to another part of town to the home of Larry and Jen where we
met Chuck and his wife Marti, who had grown up in Boston, and also a
nice young couple whom I had met previously on my tour with Matt.
Felt strongly led of the Spirit to pray for Larry and Jen.
Am very
thankful for the hospitality and generosity of the saints and for
Bill following the vision that the Lord has given him. There are a
few people whom God uses in a catalytic role to get things moving and
Bill is one that He has gifted in that way. One final humorous note
is that the smallest paper currency in Canada is the five dollar
bill. They have one and two dollar coins, which are known
colloquially as “loonies” and “toonies.” I found this
Some Observations
Wednesday evening I was in a free flowing meeting with about twenty other Christians. Someone mentioned the need for God's wisdom, which reminded me of the verse about wisdom being like a deep well, but a man of wisdom drawing it out. I thought it was Proverbs 20:13 but when I looked it up that was not the correct reference so I asked the group if anyone knew where it was located. A man to my right said he and his wife had been reading Proverbs chapter 20 that morning & thought it was in there so I looked again and found it in verse five. Now this may seem unremarkable but it is the first time I remember this happening in forty plus years of walking with Christ, that someone asked where something was located in the Bible, and someone else knew because they happened to have it read it recently. If every Christian is reading the Bible daily, it seems like this should be a common occurrence.
In the gospel of Mark (10:29ff) Jesus speaks about those who have left "house or brothers or sisters etc. "for my sake and the gospel's" will receive a hundredfold in this life "houses and brothers and sisters..." I have never owned property but I have the keys to three people's homes, and entree to many more.
Saturday morning i was gathered with about ten believers. We were discussing (after a time of prayer) ideas about our monthly outreach to the poor. One thought was to serve more healthy food for our common meal. The person who mentioned this had just viewed something detailing the (alleged) problems with a meat/dairy heavy diet. My question with this or any other idea is what does God think about it? Has He spoken about it in His Word? Do we care what He thinks? Generally speaking it seems that Christians really don't ask and reflect on these questions but form our values/decisions/opinions on other criteria.
Finally a possibly apocryphal story that I heard many years ago. A Christian was witnessing to a lawyer about Jesus Christ. In the course of his presentation the Christian said, "The Bible says..." The lawyer asked,"Where does the Bible say that?" The Christian had no idea. The lawyer said," Do you see all these law books in my office? If you ask me about a court case or decision I can show you which book it is in and where it's located. When you know your Bible as well as I know my law books, then come back and talk to me."
In the gospel of Mark (10:29ff) Jesus speaks about those who have left "house or brothers or sisters etc. "for my sake and the gospel's" will receive a hundredfold in this life "houses and brothers and sisters..." I have never owned property but I have the keys to three people's homes, and entree to many more.
Saturday morning i was gathered with about ten believers. We were discussing (after a time of prayer) ideas about our monthly outreach to the poor. One thought was to serve more healthy food for our common meal. The person who mentioned this had just viewed something detailing the (alleged) problems with a meat/dairy heavy diet. My question with this or any other idea is what does God think about it? Has He spoken about it in His Word? Do we care what He thinks? Generally speaking it seems that Christians really don't ask and reflect on these questions but form our values/decisions/opinions on other criteria.
Finally a possibly apocryphal story that I heard many years ago. A Christian was witnessing to a lawyer about Jesus Christ. In the course of his presentation the Christian said, "The Bible says..." The lawyer asked,"Where does the Bible say that?" The Christian had no idea. The lawyer said," Do you see all these law books in my office? If you ask me about a court case or decision I can show you which book it is in and where it's located. When you know your Bible as well as I know my law books, then come back and talk to me."
Monday, June 18, 2012
One of the uses of the word "testimonies" in Christian parlance is the idea of telling others something that God has done in one's life. I'd like to share three today, one from my own and two from others' lives. A brother named Anselmo with a wife and four children was facing the loss of his living situation. He thought he had something else lined up but it fell through. The deadline was a couple of days away. Then he got a call from a brother that he knew to have lunch together. This man, who is in the real estate business, offered to set Anselmo up in a place to live big enough for his family, and also offered a position as a sales manager in the company to train sales reps. The joy on the faces of Anselmo and his wife were wonderful to behold.
Another brother whom I've known for at least a decade was estranged from his daughter during much of that time. Today I had the privilege of reading an e-mail of her desire to see him, how much she cared for him, things for which much prayer had gone up before the throne of God.
In our little home gathering of twelve adults and four young children, we have been praying that God would give us the opportunity to welcome in other people. Yesterday the Lord gave us nine adults and five children as visitors. Many of them shared testimonies and I believe all said they would like to return. God is responding to the prayers of His saints.
Another brother whom I've known for at least a decade was estranged from his daughter during much of that time. Today I had the privilege of reading an e-mail of her desire to see him, how much she cared for him, things for which much prayer had gone up before the throne of God.
In our little home gathering of twelve adults and four young children, we have been praying that God would give us the opportunity to welcome in other people. Yesterday the Lord gave us nine adults and five children as visitors. Many of them shared testimonies and I believe all said they would like to return. God is responding to the prayers of His saints.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
It's Cultural
In a recent conversation a brother whom I know indicated that Christians might be affected a little by the culture around them. After many years of contemplating that theme, I believe that we are dominated by the culture around us- the values, thought patterns, beliefs and practices of the society that we live in. Over time I have heard any number of people who have walked with Christ for long periods refer to one or another thing in the Bible as "cultural," with the sense that it is no longer relevant modern day, and that we don't have to do it. Granted that everything in the Bible was written at a specific time, to a specific group of original recipients. If we accept the principle of inspiration of the Bible, i.e. dual authorship of the Holy Spirit and the human author, (2 Timothy 3:16-17, 2 Peter 1:20-21 et. al.) then the choice of when and to whom things were written is a matter of God's sovereignity. If we accept the eternal nature of the Bible, then it is written to everyone. (Mark 13:31, Isaiah 40:8)
What are we saying then, if we state that something is cultural? First, I think we are making a value judgment that our culture is better than the ones in which the Bible was written. Our technology may be better, but are we more enlightened in the eyes of God or just as sinful as any other generation that has walked the face of the earth? I also notice that things designated as cultural are usually things with which the designator disagrees or doesn't understand. Is this a basis to disobey Scriptural commands? Is there any consistent basis on which we could determine whether any given item is "cultural?" One author maintains that physical actions with symbolic meaning, such as foot washings or greeting one another with a holy kiss, are cultural. In that case, what about baptism or the Lord's Supper? Are we not setting ourselves up as the arbiters of Christianity by our picking and choosing?
Let us beware justifying disobedience to NT commands by resorting to the cultural argument.
What are we saying then, if we state that something is cultural? First, I think we are making a value judgment that our culture is better than the ones in which the Bible was written. Our technology may be better, but are we more enlightened in the eyes of God or just as sinful as any other generation that has walked the face of the earth? I also notice that things designated as cultural are usually things with which the designator disagrees or doesn't understand. Is this a basis to disobey Scriptural commands? Is there any consistent basis on which we could determine whether any given item is "cultural?" One author maintains that physical actions with symbolic meaning, such as foot washings or greeting one another with a holy kiss, are cultural. In that case, what about baptism or the Lord's Supper? Are we not setting ourselves up as the arbiters of Christianity by our picking and choosing?
Let us beware justifying disobedience to NT commands by resorting to the cultural argument.
Friday, June 15, 2012
Maritimes Part 1
God willing, (James 4:13-15) I'll be driving up to New Brunswick, CA on Tuesday of next week, an exploratory jaunt to see what God is doing there. Bill, my host, and I have met twice previously in the Boston area, and enjoyed good fellowship together. Like me, he is vitally interested in encouraging and promoting relational unity, as Jesus prayed for in John 17. (verses 20ff) Am also looking forward to meeting Karl, with whom I have traded numerous e-mails, and the rest of the brethren in the area. Unlike the saints in Montreal and Ottawa, whom I will visit later in the summer, these are not Brazilian churches. Who knows, perhaps I will get to trot out my dozen words of French.
Continuing to read in a Portuguese language New Testament, (3rd time) but otherwise no longer attempting to study the language. Today I worked through John chapters five and six.
Visited a group south of Boston on Sunday. As with our group, and there are major similarities demographically, they are experimenting with a different venue, and are attracting people who never came to their house gatherings. May God have His way among His people.
Continuing to read in a Portuguese language New Testament, (3rd time) but otherwise no longer attempting to study the language. Today I worked through John chapters five and six.
Visited a group south of Boston on Sunday. As with our group, and there are major similarities demographically, they are experimenting with a different venue, and are attracting people who never came to their house gatherings. May God have His way among His people.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
June 13, 2012
Am recovering from a rather vicious illness characterized by fever, harsh cough and fatigue. Still hawking up phlegm and tired. Thank God that those who put their trust in Christ can eventually discard these bodies and get brand new ones. ( 1 Corinthians 15:50-54)
The family with whom I live recently purchased nine little chicks. Astonishing how quickly they grow, with measurable progress day by day. They have already outgrown their original quarters and are in one three times as large. What a contrast to the slowness of human development. Perhaps one reason for this is the need for humans to learn how to parent their children. Another is how much more a human needs to know than a chick.
Another man whom I knew decades ago has passed away. I spoke to Cliff several years ago, and like Paul in Romans 15, he was on his way to Spain. We had a lot of fun in the old days, when he (temporarily) served as my chauffeur. May the Lord Jesus receive him into His heavenly kingdom. ( 2 Timothy 4:18) Cliff was only a year or two older than I am. As the old adage says, "Only what is done for Christ will last."
The family with whom I live recently purchased nine little chicks. Astonishing how quickly they grow, with measurable progress day by day. They have already outgrown their original quarters and are in one three times as large. What a contrast to the slowness of human development. Perhaps one reason for this is the need for humans to learn how to parent their children. Another is how much more a human needs to know than a chick.
Another man whom I knew decades ago has passed away. I spoke to Cliff several years ago, and like Paul in Romans 15, he was on his way to Spain. We had a lot of fun in the old days, when he (temporarily) served as my chauffeur. May the Lord Jesus receive him into His heavenly kingdom. ( 2 Timothy 4:18) Cliff was only a year or two older than I am. As the old adage says, "Only what is done for Christ will last."
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
Recently I was hanging out at a friend's house. He and his son were watching a program about people who were trying to halt whaling in the Antarctic. Individuals portrayed had raised their own funding to go there. They were intense and passionate about saving the whales. One young man declared that he would give his life to save a whale. This led them to commit lawless acts. The footage was visceral, emotionally charged and designed to evoke sympathy (and donations) for the cause. One famous celebrity had donated enough funds to purchase a large vessel.
My reactions to this were several fold. What might God accomplish through these people were they on fire for Christ? I thought of Paul's persecution of Christians prior to his conversion, how he was advancing in Judaism beyond his contemporaries.
Romans 1:25 came to mind. "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen."
Also Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." (all citations are ESV)
Before I converted to Christ I was a vegetarian because I believed that I did not have the right to participate in the killing of animals. I wore no leather for the same reason. After conversion and becoming conversant with verses like Gen. 1:26 I concluded that while in and off myself I had no right to slay, yet God as the Creator had given me the right because the animals and the whole earth were created to serve and bless man
My reactions to this were several fold. What might God accomplish through these people were they on fire for Christ? I thought of Paul's persecution of Christians prior to his conversion, how he was advancing in Judaism beyond his contemporaries.
Romans 1:25 came to mind. "They exchanged the truth of God for a lie and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever! Amen."
Also Genesis 1:26 "Then God said, "Let us make man in our image, after our likeness. And let them have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the heavens and over the livestock and over all the earth and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth." (all citations are ESV)
Before I converted to Christ I was a vegetarian because I believed that I did not have the right to participate in the killing of animals. I wore no leather for the same reason. After conversion and becoming conversant with verses like Gen. 1:26 I concluded that while in and off myself I had no right to slay, yet God as the Creator had given me the right because the animals and the whole earth were created to serve and bless man
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