Monday, June 18, 2012


     One of the uses of the word "testimonies" in Christian parlance is the idea of telling others something that God has done in one's life. I'd like to share three today, one from my own and two from others' lives. A brother named Anselmo with a wife and four children was facing the loss of his living situation. He thought he had something else lined up but it fell through. The deadline was a couple of days away. Then he got a call from a brother that he knew to have lunch together. This man, who is in the real estate business, offered to set Anselmo up in a place to live big enough for his family, and also offered a position as a sales manager in the company to train sales reps. The joy on the faces of Anselmo and his wife were wonderful to behold.
     Another brother whom I've known for at least a decade was estranged from his daughter during much of that time. Today I had the privilege of reading an e-mail of her desire to see him, how much she cared for him, things for which much prayer had gone up before the throne of God.
     In our little home gathering of twelve adults and four young children, we have been praying that God would give us the opportunity to welcome in other people. Yesterday the Lord gave us nine adults and five children as visitors. Many of them shared testimonies and I believe all said they would like to return. God is responding to the prayers of His saints.

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