Tuesday, April 16, 2013

California Report

A week ago I departed home for my annual trip to California. There used to be a nonstop flight between these destinations which no longer exists. So I got up at quarter to four in the morning, received a ride from my friend Bud to the airport, where he works, waited for several hours, and finally boarded a plane to San Francisco. Unfortunately the Bay Area is about 450 miles ( 700 kilometers) from my ultimate destination. After waiting there for several more hours I made the final leg of the flight, rented a car and drove through rush hour traffic for ninety minutes to my friend Bill's house. He and his wife Ileana greeted me. I've known them since the Jesus People Movement days of the 1970's.
On Wednesday trekked to Orange County to see my daughter and son-in-law for the first time in almost a year, and my grandson for the first time. She and I went to the beach and walked down the boardwalk for several hours discussing discipleship among other topics. We had lunch at a sidewalk cafe. The little guy slept, nursed and watched us eat.
The next day Bill & I took a walk in the hills culminating in a vista of the surrounding countryside. That evening I had the pleasure of gathering with the home group that he fellowships with, and speaking for a few minutes on obeying Jesus as his disciples including an emphasis on going to the nations. One brother named Russ, a multi-lingual (4 languages) man, expressed great interest. He had been to a number of countries on previous mission trips. We may travel together in the fall.
Friday and Saturday I took walks around the neighborhood, read and relaxed. On Sunday my grandson was dedicated to the Lord, surrounded by many family members and friends. He behaved extremely well. We then heard a message from Luke 7 about the importance of finding answers to doubts or questions that we may have. Chuck & Cynthia, my son-in-laws' parents, hosted a barbecue at their home in the afternoon. Hospitality is only one of their many gifts. I had an opportunity to speak with Lee & Ed, whom I have known for many years, and with Chuck, who discoursed on his personal road of discipleship naming a number of books that had influenced him, and the opportunities that God has given him to interact with other men. He also spoke about hearing the Lord's voice (cf. John 10:4) Towards the end I finally got to see part of my daughter's wedding video.
Monday was another long and wearing travel day. Got up before 4 in the morning, drove an hour through rather heavy traffic for that time in the morning to the airport, dropped off the car, waited for the first flight, again to the Bay Area, and off at 7. Sat next to a nice couple with a four month old baby with lots of hair who never fussed during the one hour trip. Then I waited again until noon for the longer flight to Boston. The Marathon bombing happened as we took off. The young children on this flight, several of whom sat close to me, were not so happy on this journey. Arrived about 8:15 East Coast time, waited for the luggage, took the subway to South Station, and another to Alewife, where another friend Bill picked me up, and took me to Bud's house. By this time it was about 10 at night, and I did not relish a 2 hour drive west. Slept overnight and came over in the morning.
Many years ago I lived in southern California and the sybaritic, apathetic lifestyle remains the same. May we repent and God deliver us from hedonism and self-absorption.

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