Saturday, March 7, 2015

Southern Road Trip: Part 4

Wednesday morning had breakfast at Waffle House with Steve, Denton, and Leif. Discussed God's work through history among other topics. One of my favorite verses on this theme is Acts 17:26 in Paul the apostle's address to the Athenians. "And he ( God) made from one man every nation of mankind to live on all the face of the earth, having determined allotted periods and the boundaries of their dwelling place." God is in control of all human history. Drove from Atlanta, visited a family in the suburbs, and then traveled onto Athens. Saw a Trader Joe's and then went out into the country. This is red clay country, almost impossible to clean off boots and pants. Thursday had lunch with two pastors, David and Ryan, who co-lead a church in the area. Dave is involved with a discipleship organization, which has him going overseas to minister, and Ryan is a church replanter. We discussed theology, discipleship, and other topics. Actually refreshing to have time with humble church leaders. The following day visited a senior center (a first for me), which was closed for some reason although the employees were working. Also ate at a real country restaurant with good old boys and gals. Ate catfish, potato salad, and rank sweet ice tea. Even saw a table full of people pray publicly before their meal. Don't see that in the Northeast. Saw the movie "Gods and Generals," from the book of the same name, an unfortunate title for a suprisingly good movie. The characters actually spoke Scripture, prayed, and acknowledged God. today we go to a scenic gorge in northern Georgia. Reading through 1 & 2 Kings in Portuguese.

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