Thursday, May 21, 2015

Failure to Thrive

For the past six weeks I have been attending a regular church. I have also been to their midweek small group meeting four times. This requires considerable adjustment after having been in house based churches for fifteen years. I am confronted again with the clergy-laity distinction as opposed to the priesthood of all believers, the absence of the Lord's Supper practiced and enjoyed weekly as a full meal, preaching as opposed to participatory meetings, the more formal structure of a building versus the informal home setting, and the reality of most of my giving going to building related expenses rather than the poor or itinerant ministers. At the same time i am confronted with the reality that after fifteen years of vigorous effort by me and many others, i am not aware of a single spiritually healthy house church in New England. Most have dissolved. During this decade and a half even though i had relationships with over twenty different groups in five states I am aware of very few salvations or baptisms, and virtually no personal, accountable discipleship. This is failure to thrive. This last theme of discipleship is what draws me back to the regular, traditional church. Is it possible that God can use them as a vehicle to bring this about? I sincerely hope so. Isn't it remarkable that Jesus never told his followers to start churches? In fact, He said that He would build His church. ( Matthew 16:18) He commanded the apostles to make disciples. ( Matthew 28:18-20) Only genuine discipleship relationships under the Lordship of Christ, directed by the Holy Spirit, and for the glory of God will develop the bonds that will make spiritually healthy congregations possible. Mere church-goers will never do this. The Lord is encouraging me in my current situation with pastors who are emphasizing and encouraging discipleship. May we walk in the grace that He provides.

1 comment:

  1. Thank you, Rick for encouraging us to "fulfill our ministries". I am very encouraged. This scripture comes to mind as I read your important words, "rivers of living water shall flow from your innermost being." (John 7) Not a puddle, trickle, or a drip...RIVERS. I believe in Jesus Christ. I believe His words are true and they are spoken to me personally; therefore, I am compelled to follow His example to make disciples wherever and with whoever will take up the charge.
