Saturday, May 23, 2015

Myriad Means of Communication

Once upon a time if one wished to communicate with someone there were letters, (snail mail) or the telephone (landlines) or face to face. This was a simple but usually effective way to do things. Several years ago I predicted that in the future everyone would have their own personal method of communication. Of course, I was laughed at. As the possibilities continue to proliferate perhaps this will come true. For example, in addition to landlines we now have cell phones. We also have texting, Skype, WhatsApp, Facebook, LinkedIn,blogs,and others that I either don't recall or don't know about. Unfortunately the end result is confusion. It is now necessary to remember how each individual person or group prefers to communicate, and to know enough to work the various systems. A friend and brother installed WhatsApp on my phone with the idea that I could call people in other countries, supposedly for free. Unfortunately I don't understand how to use it. I meet with a group of three other men, supposedly every two weeks at a set time and place. Unfortunately that often does not work out producing a veritable blizzard of texts and e-mails. At the end of the day i am still uncertain if we have actually decided anything. Our vaunted technology can be counter productive. For example, with Facebook i have hundreds of friend requests, many from people whom I don't know. I also receive many things from people that I do know that are of importance to them but not to me. Attempting to ferret out the messages that I want to concentrate on is a very time consuming task. Is there some way to diplomatically drop about 75% of the people from my page? I don't know. In the midst of all this I am grateful that communicating with God does not require technology. He communicates to me principally through the Bible, and I respond in prayer. I don't need a computer or a cell phone or any technical knowledge. As the psalmist writes in 27:8 "You have said, 'Seek my face.' My heart says to you, 'Your face, O Lord, do I seek." (ESV)

1 comment:

  1. This is another theme you emphasize, SEEK God. Thank you. May God continue to use your life to bring the "hammer" and the "fire" of God's word. The reference to Acts 26 in another post was perfect along with this one from Psalm 27. Seeking God is integral with His creation of us. It is how He wants us to find Him. Here is another verse on this, but to the Jews in captivity in Babylon, "You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for ME with ALL your heart." Says so much about our great God and Savior. Your relentlessness is a sign of grace in your life. Amen, bro.
