Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Clarifying Priorities

As I took an hour constitutional along a bucolic Indiana road earlier today, God ministered to me about clarifying my priorities. Traveling every 2-3 days, and interacting with new people all the time can produce a passive, TV watching approach to situations instead of responding to the Holy Spirit and giving what He has given to me. Since another purpose of this blog is to provide an introduction for those who either don't know me or don't know me well, I hope the exercise of delineating the priorities God has given me proves helpful.

A. To point people, believers and unbelievers to Jesus, not myself. "Looking to Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith..." (Hebrews 12:2) That we may love, obey, follow, worship, glorify and abide in Him.
B. To work for the unity that Jesus prays for in John 17, specifically "That they may be one, even as we are one." v.22 I believe the NT emphasis of God as Father, Jesus as the Son, and believers as brothers or sisters of Jesus expresses relational unity
C. To minister the Word of God in a Holy Spirit led balance of truth and love. This includes but is not limited to teaching on our identity in Christ, the Bride of Christ, our membership in God's eternal family etc.
D. Spiritual parenting- to serve as the mentor, primarily to younger men, that I never had in the Lord. This encompasses discipleship in all its many facets.
E. To promote both the doctrine and the practice of the early apostles, the latter as a viable alternative in fulfilling A-F
F. To encourage individuals, families, and home gatherings in any way that God leads. To give anything of what He has so painstakingly worked in me.
As Paul writes in 2 Corinthians 5:9 "We make it our aim to please Him."

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