Friday, December 25, 2009

Reason for the Season

Drove from East Bay to Half Moon Bay, CA on the Pacific Coast & then south a little to San Gregorio State Beach, where I spent most of the day. Alternated between walks along the beach, reading in the car & sitting observing the waves come in. The latter were quite majestic, reminding me of some verses in Psalm 93. "The Lord reigns; he is robed in majesty. (v.1a) Mightier than the thunders of many waters, mightier than the waves of the sea, the Lord on high is mighty. (v.4)"
God asked me the following question recently. Was He enough for me? Could I find fulfillment, spiritual nourishment, relationship etc. in Him or did I think I needed something else. I respond that if I can't have a fulfilling relationship with the One who has infinite love, compassion, patience etc. for me, then i won't have it with a fallible human. I believe He yearns to have deep personal relationship with me, and you. So I don't feel badly about spending 12/25/09 with Him alone. Instead I thank Him for the privilege and joy.

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