Saturday, December 12, 2009


As I continue walking with Christ I find that I understand less and need to trust Him more. He gives me sufficient grace for each day even as I don't know what the future holds. I thank Him for the opportunity to give something of what He has given to me. Currently I provide teaching for some precious saints on Tuesday nights and interact with others- in person, by phone or e-mail- during the week. Tomorrow I have the privilege of visiting a group of believers in Sacramento in the morning before returning to gather with another group in San Francisco in the evening.
Returning to the theme of trust, i know several believers who are struggling with very serious issues in their lives (health or otherwise). As I reflect on the hardships I have encountered in my own life, the Holy Spirit reminds me that trusting God was the key. Things may not have always worked out in the way that I wished, but He used it to make me more like Christ- more reflective of His love, compassion, truth etc. Trust is the foundation of any good relationship, whether with God, a spouse, a relative or a friend. "I will put my trust in him." (Hebrews 2:13)

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