Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Dialoging with God

To my best of my remembrance, only Abraham in the Old Testament is called the friend of God. In contrast, Jesus calls all believers his friends. (John 15:14-15) In Genesis 18 we have an extraordinary encounter in which the Lord reveals His intent to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah to Abraham. Abraham asks God to relent and they have a back and forth discussion in which the number of righteous people needed to spare the cities diminishes from fifty to ten.
As my personal relationship with God deepens I find myself wanting to talk to Him about the hard questions. What about a young married sister with a thyroid problem that may prevent her and her husband from having more children? What about a close friend whom I have ministered to for many years that believes he has a "broken" spirit. Or another friend who needs continual medication for chemical imbalances in his brain. God has the power to change these things, to provide healing. I and many others have asked and are asking Him to do so. I think I am familiar with most of the potential theological answers to these questions. He has given me a voracious hunger for the Word of God, and made me Biblically literate.
Now I'm asking God directly. What's the story? I believe I am prepared to receive whatever answer He gives me. I just want a response. I have questions of my own. I've written two evangelistic novels but have no idea how to get them into the hands of readers whom God might influence with them. Am I doing what He desires in other areas of my life?
Father, may I respond to the leading of the Holy Spirit. Please make it clear to me. Open my eyes so I can see what You're doing. May I follow Jesus.

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