Thursday, September 9, 2010


Thank you, God, for the friends that you give us. Got together this morning with a friend named Gary, who I've known for about five years. We have little in common- he is scientific, athletic, musical, a generation younger, and very good at drawing people out by asking them questions and showing interest, while I'm not any of those things. The real thing we have in common is a love for our Lord Jesus Christ. What a joy to see that suffice. My experience is that friends are hard to make and easy to lose. "The sweetness of one's friend comes from his earnest counsel." (Prove. 27:9b)
Tuesday evening I met with a new friend named Bob. He is a thinker, joyful, compassionate, with a genuine desire to reach out to those who don't know Christ. (Why is that so rare?)
Yesterday read a book by someone who will probably never be a friend in this life- we'll have to wait for the next. His name is Francis Chan, a S. California mega church pastor whose book, "Crazy Love" presents the balance between the unbelievable love of God, and the utter necessity of giving one's life completely to Him.
Am quartered in E. Boston now, and am praying for the "son of peace," (Luke 10), and whether God wishes me to purchase property here to serve as a base of operations for ministry. As Eli said to the young boy Samuel, "Speak, Lord, for your servant is listening." (1 Samuel 3:9)

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