Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kingdom of God

In recent times I have sought revelation on the Kingdom of God. The ubiquity of this theme, particularly in the NT, makes it difficult to comprehend in its fullness. The kingdom is come, but not completely fulfilled. Through its King, our Lord Jesus, it has invaded and ultimately defeated the kingdom of darkness. Something small grows to immense size. (Matt. 13:31ff) Citizens of the Kingdom receive power over sin, sickness, the demonic, and death- although we still wrestle with these things.
Greg Gilbert, author of "What is the Gospel?", a clear, concise, helpful book given to me by our brother Ed C, defines it this way. "The Kingdom of God is His redemptive rule, reign and authority over those redeemed by Jesus." (p. 88) This leads to my belief that the Kingdom expands one person at a time, as they submit to the Lordship of Christ in their lives. Once this begins then the Kingdom is strengthened by our relational bonds with God and each other.
Tuesday evening had the joy and privilege of partnering with our brother John in facilitating a gathering of regional elders representing eight separate ekklesias. John did an excellent job of keeping us on topic, which consisted primarily of praying for the different churches in such a way that everyone had the opportunity to share. We hope to get together again in 3 months, which would make the fourth time we've come together.
Yesterday served as a subject in an experiment conducted by our brother Gary in his neuro motor lab, the first time I had done something like that. In the evening taught on the kingdom of God to the saints in our house church. Looking forward to our brother Matt's presentation the next two weeks.

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