Tuesday, March 15, 2011

An Observation or Two.

It seems that some people depart from traditional churches to adhere more closely to Biblical teaching, and some people do so to get away from adhering to Biblical truth. The discovery of an intensely relational God who loves us with utter abandon cannot serve as a rationale to jettison other truth that God does have wrath, that we are commanded to fear Him, (see previous post), and that Jesus came as a propitiation for our sins. It is American culture that promotes the concept of anarchy (that we can do whatever we want), either moral or otherwise.
We should also not throw out the proverbial baby with the bathwater with regard to Bible teaching. Many of us have heard sermons that essentially said, this is the way it is and there is no other way it can be. With certain things that is true. Jesus is Lord, no matter what we may think. Simply because we have been burned in the past does not mean that we should ignore the Bible or refrain from teaching it. In a small group of people who have developed trust and relationship with one another over time, we can submit our Scriptural understanding in humility, offering it as a gift to the Body. But the foundational truths of the faith must be taught. It is incumbent upon each generation to preserve the truth of the gospel and transmit it to the next.
It also seems much easier to lose relationship with someone than to gain it.

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