Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Weeping for the Church

In recent days i have heard a number of believers whom I like and respect either evade or ignore or justify their unwillingness to allow the Word of God to be the ultimate determinant of how they live and what they do. It would be one thing if this were a temporary aberration. Sadly, it is not. Whether it is their subjective understanding (often emotionally driven)of their own or someone else's personal experience, or the product of sinful rebellion, or flowing with pagan American culture, or a hundred other things, the end result is the same. Some will justify their actions by saying the Holy Spirit told them to do this. Does the Holy Spirit, the divine author of God's Word (2Peter 1:20-21, 2 Timothy 3:16) contradict Himself?
I believe we are in danger of losing an entire generation who yearn for relationship but have little interest in truth. (John 17:17) The tragedy is that the God whom they yearn for relationship with has gone to great lengths to reveal Himself through the pages of the Bible. Why have so many of His people shed their blood so that we today could have His Word? Why have so many devoted so much labor to translating the Bible from the original languages into ones that the vast majority of the inhabitants of this planet can understand?
It is ironic and sad that so many American Christians avidly read, and staunchly defend a novel ( The Shack) who will not take the eternal Word of God seriously. If we are made in the image of God, ( Gen. 1:26) then He has feelings. I wonder how he feels about this.
Some may feel I am pointing fingers and wonder how well I do in obeying the Word. Obviously I am not perfect but I believe an important corner is turned when we acknowledge that those who wish to know God and have relationship with Him through Jesus Christ must read, study and obey the Word even if it is against our culture, or painful or costly to us personally. I should also say that in His mercy, God brought me to this point through utter devastation in my personal life. I hope that this isn't necessary for everyone although I'm beginning to wonder.
Father of truth and love, may You do whatever is necessary to bring your people into a place of loving obedience to You.

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