Saturday, March 19, 2011


Thank you, joyful Father, for your patience and perseverance. God continues to provide for me in many ways. Itinerant ministry is built on the foundation of the hospitality of the Body. God has provided the little hobbit house in the woods that i always desired, with a godly, blessed family. This looks like a long term situation. Thank you, Jesus.
He has also led me to respond to brethren in Ghana that I've known for four years to initiate a micro-finance project there. May God continue to expand their ministry to the poor and preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ in these West African countries.
God continues to put concerns on my heart for the preservation of the truth of the gospel, and for His Word to be ministered to His people. We cannot allow the subjective truth influence of the pagan American culture that we live in to dilute the pure truth of the Word of God. "Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth." (Jesus' praying in John 17:17)
Blessed to have fellowship with our brother Gary yesterday morning, our brother Bill in late afternoon, and our brother Josh in the evening. Gary and i discussed the situation in Japan as it related to God's mercy. Bill & I looked at daily obedience in contrast to grandiose ideas of working for God. Josh & I were all over the Scriptures as we explored the 1 Timothy 3:16 verse that speaks of the "mystery of godliness."
This morning met with three brothers from our ekklesia and prayed for clarity of direction and power for us. On the way back had a very helpful discussion about generational differences, and how they affect our understanding one another. Thanks, Josh and Rema for your hospitality, and that's whassup.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome Rick. Good use of Whassup! Although, I think it's wassup. ;)
