Friday, November 4, 2011

God Made Himself Vulnerable

As our church will start a series on the letter to the Galatians this Sunday, I was musing this morning on the reality of dual authorship, the concept that the Holy Spirit works through human authors, their personality, culture etc. to reveal God to us. Even though Galatians was written by a specific individual to a specific group of people at a set point in time for specific reasons, through the instrumentality of the Divine Author, it becomes relevant, indispensable and revelatory to believers of any era, culture or language. Jesus prays in John 17:3 that we "will know Him, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom He has sent." God yearns for us to know Him, and He has revealed Himself, who He is, His interactions with humanity, how we might please Him, through the Holy Spirit inspired Word. In so doing He has made Himself vulnerable to attack. It begins in Genesis 3 with Satan's accusation that God is a liar. "You will not surely die." ( Genesis 3:4)And it continues until the present day in virtually everything. It is almost impossible to view a movie or TV, read a book or newspaper, or get on the Internet without exposure to outright hostility to God, or lies about who He is, or active urging to lust, greed, or other things contrary to God's will. Yet God made Himself vulnerable so that we might know who He truly is and glorify Him.

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