Monday, November 14, 2011

Rejoicing in Heaven

Friday evening I had the privilege of getting together with Matt W, Juliano & Marcio. God continues to develop our trust and relationship with one another. We look forward to the visit of Vinci, Samia, Getulio & Ana Maria from Brazil later this month. Thank you, God for the open door you have provided.
Saturday morning got together with the brothers to flesh out our understanding of consensus, and how it might work on the practical level. We are going forward with the principle of elder-guided consensus as exemplified in Acts 1, 6 & 15, and implied in Matthew 18.
Saturday evening I had the privilege of participating in the gathering where I actually live in central MA. Heard a great testimony from our sister Pat about how God had convicted her to give to His work on a regular basis, and how He had provided for her. Another highlight was digging into the Word with a few people prior to worshipping.
Sunday morning our "home" community started exploring meeting in a local community center on a monthly basis to aid development of a more "outward" focus for our group. Sunday afternoon drove down to RI to visit a new gathering with my friends John & Danielle. Only three months old, they are growing, enthusiastic and blessed. The highlight of the evening was a young man named AJ, who repented of his sins and gave his life to the Lord. "Just so, I tell you there is joy before the angels of God over one sinner who repents." (Luke 15:10 ESV)

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