Monday, March 26, 2012

Practical Vision

Now that our church has received guidelines on how to make decisions, we are embarking on the new journey of what practical vision that God has for us. For a number of years i have dreamed of being involved with a growing network of relationally connected, home based groups that are multiplying because new converts are being added to the Kingdom of our Lord Jesus Christ. These new ones are being mentored in their faith, becoming spiritually healthy, and eager to reproduce. The sobering reality is that it is quite possible that no one in our current group, despite our desire to do this, has the apostolic type gifting to get this off the ground. As I travel through New England, I encounter a number of small groups that have clawed out a toehold in one place, often for a number of years. They love the Lord, are faithfully walking in what they have received, but are not seeing Kingdom growth. May we respond to the Holy Spirit.
Saturday morning our church gathered for prayer, primarily for the Sunday celebration gathering, and for those who don't know Christ. Sunday we had the privilege of hosting our fourth monthly celebration with a diverse array of participants from various parts of the Body. In the evening went to an outreach by a newly formed group in Framingham. God is faithful.

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