Saturday, November 29, 2014

Adventures in Brazil Part 2

Life here in Brazil is so full that already the memory of the past few days has blended together. In my time with God and Samir in the park we looked at Lamentations 3:22-23. He sang a song in Portuguese based on that verse and i sang the one in English. He asked me to sing it again, and recorded it on his phone. Then we met with a little group of people and he asked me to sing it again. Finally that night we met with another group of people, and lo and behold, he asked me to sing it a third time. The group at night was a house group of almost twenty adults hosted by a brother who is petro chemical engineer. His parents are missionaries in Asia, which i hadn´´t known. Shared a little bit about the love of God with this group.
    Yesterday God gave me time with Calebe, a young brother in his mid-twenties with amazing spiritual maturity and understanding. The way in which he has approached relationship with the woman whom he hopes to have as his future wife reflects this. He prayed alone for six months, approached several people close to him about it, and prayed for another six months. Then he spoke to a wider group of people and prayed for another six months. How many people would invest a year and a half of prayer before ever speaking to the woman about their feelings. Even at that point he was prepared for her to decline. Happily she didn´t yet they are still in a premarital state respecting one another.
    Last night Calebe translated for me so i could share with the young singles, about 150 people, about how to practically have Jesus on the throne of our lives rather than ourselves. The primary way is through learning and obeying the Word of God. One way in which we do this is through memorization, getting the Word in our hearts and minds. We looked at Psalm 119:11, the example of Jesus in Matthew 4, and of Peter in Acts 2 where he quotes from Joel, Psalm 16, and Psalm 110.
    Afterwards I had conversations with a number of people. This is one of the major blessings that God gives me in Brazil; that the generations have far more interaction and relationships than they do in the US. One was with a brother named Daniel, a fervent believer with whom God will do wonderful things.

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