Monday, March 14, 2016

Brazil Visit 5, Post 5

Saturday evening the church in Carangola met in the garage of the pastor's home. He and two others played guitar to facilitate worship, and then I was asked to preach the Word, which I did about God's ardent desire to have personal relationship with us. Afterwards my host family and i went to a different part of the city and had Brazilian hamburgers which were quite good. Their sixteen month son played on a regular size trampoline with netted sides to prevent anyone falling out. Apparently a family bought this trampoline and sets it up in a cul de sac. I don't know when they started but they did not disassemble it until 11PM. The price is two reais ( 55 cents) for ten minutes. The wife of my friend said that she could make more money with a trampoline business than as an English teacher with a bachelor's degree. Sunday we went to a lake with a little restaurant and had fish and other food for the midday meal. Then we began the interminable journey to my new location of Ponta Nova. We got lost or turned around, asked for directions multiple times, had continual cloudbursts with as heavy a rain as i have ever experienced on the usual winding 2 lane country roads which, due to hordes of slow trucks (15 to 20 MPH), and constant speed bumps, make travel an endurance contest. The next time i go on a long trip by car i am going to count the speed bumps. I think there must have been a thousand.I did have the opportunity to share my testimony in Portugese, i think for the first time. Received by my new host family along with two other couples. Actually understood most of what was said. Was asked about the elections, and what Americans think of Brazil. Responded that the candidates reflect the judgment of God on the US, and that most Americans know very little about Brazil. Tonight have been asked to share the Word again and will focus on surrendering to God in the process of sanctification.

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