One of the passages i have camped out in is 1 Corinthians 1:26-31, which expresses that "not many wise, not many powerful, not many of noble birth" were called into God's family. He has chosen the foolish, weak, and despised "to bring to nothing things that are, so that no human being might boast in the presence of God. (ESV) As I have had the privilege of embarking on itinerant ministry, I find the truth of that passage resonating within me more than ever. I am reminded of all the years that Moses spent out in the wilderness with the sheep. God can use long apprenticeships for slow learners like me. What a joy to have the faucet of my life opened wider so that the rivers of living water can flow out. I am convinced that God does not need our ability (He has infinite ability) but that he desires our availability. Sometimes it is something as simple and rare as listening sympathetically to someone.
Had a fruitful weekend. Arose at 5 Saturday morning, drove through fog two hours to Boston, and had breakfast with a brother named Stephen. What amazing growth I have had the joy to witness in his life over the last several years. By midmorning I was breakfasting again with five brothers from three different house groups in the Boston area. One of the things God has called me to do is build relational unity between different home churches. After a few errands had the blessing of fellowshipping with a true elder and godly brother named Tom. We had a good conversation about how to induce spiritual growth in people. He felt that teaching apologetics was an integral part of any saint's foundation. Then off to central Mass. & my long time friends John & Debra. Their wonderful hospitality reminds me of the Shunammite woman spoken of in 2 Kings 4:10 "Let us make a small room on the roof with walls and put there for him a bed, a table, a chair and a lamp, so that whenever he comes to us, he can go in there." We had true fellowship & fruitful times of prayer.
They sent me off in the morning with a delicious breakfast and more prayer to Sutton, Ma. God has blessed me with the opportunity to fellowship with these saints on a number of occasions. They have built slowly and well in the Spirit, rather than throwing up things that don't last. God has added saints to them and given them an admirable unity. Our brother Ken taught on Isaiah 30, esp. v. 15 "For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel, in returning and rest you shall be saved; in quietness and in trust shall be your strength." Delighted to see many of the saints in my sending church in E. Cambridge, albeit for too short a time. Then off to Medford, to a group I have just discovered. They are embarking on a momentous journey of defining themselves from scratch after six years of gathering. They are asking things like "What do we believe? What does God have for us? How do we fulfill our calling as a discipleship community?
I am excited for them because they are doing this in an atmosphere of love and respect rather than rancor and division.
I am thankful to God for the opportunity to glean from all of these, and other people, so that I can give to others that I meet in the course of my travels.
Monday, July 27, 2009
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