Saturday, July 4, 2009

Lead me to the Rock

Last night I received an invitation to go to a Independence Day barbecue at the home of Nathaniel & Eden. In the course of a great time that included praise to the King, excellent and abundant food, creative games and fellowship, we also shot off a lot of fireworks. Among those present was a two year old boy named Aaron. He had impressed me earlier in the evening with his athleticism, exploring, and all boyness. When the fireworks began most of us were standing on a back porch. As soon as they commenced he ran for the biggest person he could find (me) got behind my legs and clung to me for all he was worth. Fireworks were too much for little Aaron.
This morning as I ate breakfast the Lord reminded me of this, and of a Scripture from Psalm 61.
"Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the earth I call to you when my heart is faint. Lead me to the rock that is higher than I, for you have been my refuge, a strong tower against the enemy." (Ps. 61:1-3 ESV)
Do we instinctively look for the rock that is higher than we are, a strong tower, as little Aaron did? Or do we try to do things on our own strength and abilities? The Rock is Christ. (1 Corinthians 10:4)

An update for those of you who know that i am an aspiring novelist. I started writing fiction in what we then called junior high on an old Royal manual typewriter my mother gave me. I continued writing off and on for many years, until I became serious in following Jesus in 1991. Since that time I kept what i had written in a box. About twenty months ago I received a go ahead from the Lord to write again, something that I call evangelistic novels. To date, I have finished one to the best of my current ability, titled "Realm", and written 12 chapters of a rough draft of a second, tentatively titled "Librarium." My most recent project is transcribing a full length novel I wrote in the 80's to the computer. I do this for two reasons. One is to get added experience in revision and self editing. The other is as a gift to one of the two people who have most encouraged me in this pursuit since I know it is written in a genre that he appreciates.
Unfortunately writing and marketing/publishing are two different skill sets. I hope to use some of the transition time in Connecticut to explore getting published.

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate you putting in the effort to transcribe, somehow, the lengthy novel that you wrote in the past: Seafarer. I'm still waiting on the end to Librarium when you get the chance. :)

    Encouraging to read your blogs brother. Please keep it up.
