Friday, June 4, 2010


As I reflect back upon my almost year long journey through the U.S. visiting individuals, couples, families and groups, one of the prominent themes is one of appreciation and thankfulness, to God first, and to the people I visited, second. I thank God for His ongoing love and faithfulness in my life, protection, and the gentle urging of the Holy Spirit to enhance my relationship with Christ. I am thankful for the things He taught me, and for those things that He reminded me of.
People provided lodging for all but about six nights, prepared numerous meals & took me out to eat for many more. They gave me clothes, toiletries, books, money, and technology like a used GPs & a new Blue Tooth device. (Required in a number of states instead of hand held cell phones.) They took me to retreats, conferences, and a variety of other meetings. They prayed with me, allowed me to teach or share, and spoke to me about their lives and situations. I did a lot of listening. I discovered that virtually everyone eats meat, most use body wash instead of bar soap, and almost everyone stays up later than I do.
Other significant themes include the incredible diversity of views and approaches to the Christian life and interpretations of the Bible; a widespread deep concern about the future of this country and the world; and a lot of financial issues. God kept showing me the importance of trust as a foundation to any good relationship.

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