Friday, December 17, 2010


As I complete my third full week of ESL teacher training, I feel like I on a long sea journey in a small craft (Captain Bligh's 4,000 mile open boat voyage after Fletcher Christian took over the Bounty comes to mind) with nine other people. One is our instructor, the most experienced "sailor" among us. The others are a random collection of people, only two of whom have taught ESL before. Prior to taking the course we had never met. We comprise seven men and two women, of varied ages and backgrounds, and we have been thrown together daily for the past three weeks except weekends. Each of the students has taught five times now, at least once to each of the three levels, and we are beginning to know the ropes (continuing the nautical analogy.)
I have personally received a tremendous amount of encouragement, for which I am very grateful. This has proved to be a difficult challenge for me, exercising strengths and revealing weaknesses.
While I look forward to getting my life back in a few days, I am thankful for the experience and all the training I received.

1 comment:

  1. Love the nautical analogy. I also can't wait to get my life back.

    Post Time: 12:41am
    Activity: Methodologies paper
    Mood: Very tired and dreading the wake up for TEFL town

    Ho Yin
