Wednesday, August 14, 2013


    Have not watched voluntarily TV in a long time so my understanding of the technology is probably dated but there used to be something called the remote control so that you could change the channel without getting out of your chair. I actually remember the days when you had to get up and manually change the channel. Of course, there were only 3 in those days. Now you need a Ph.D in information technology or your average 4 year old to work the controls. Anyway the slang term for this device is "clicker." If you don't like what you are watching you "click" and you have something else.
    After more than three months total in two different visits to Brazil, I am learning a little about Brazilian culture, and about my own American culture. i am coming to realize that choice, options and individual decisions are central to an American cultural understanding. Brazilian culture is far more group oriented and intrusive to the concept of personal space.
     Let me give some examples. I was sitting on one of the ubiquitous white plastic chairs talking with a friend. As I am larger than the average there was a concern that I might fall over and hurt myself so a second chair was procured, and placed on top of the first to provide a stronger framework. In and of itself a harmless expression of love. The difficulty is that I did not have a choice about whether i would sit on one chair or two. The impression left is one of disrespect- that I am not able to take care of myself. Now you might say, rick, you are making a big deal out of nothing. Yes, if this type of thing occurred once, but not a hundred times. i am told when to get into a food line, or handed a plate full of food that i really don't need or want. Attempts to explain are met with incomprehension or a feeling that i am not willing to receive love. Instead this is a deeply rooted culturally based desire to make my own choices and decisions.
    As i was writing this post my new host actually asked me what I wanted to do. I was so astonished that i did almost fall out of my chair. i believe this is the first time i have been asked this question. Brazilian culture is so group oriented that it is simply assumed that you want to do whatever the group wants to do. I would ask my north american readers to consider this phenomenon- the importance of making our own choices and decisions as exempified by the clicker.

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