Sunday, August 2, 2009

When God orchestrates things

Just received an apt and timely reminder from a brother whom the Lord has called into itinerant ministry like He has me. Ross said to listen and wait on the Lord, that what we do will not be random but purposeful. I've just experienced His leading in a way only He does.
When I lived in Boston I developed a friendship with a Christian brother named Jake, who had his own auto mechanic shop. He worked on my car for several years. What a rare jewel a trustworthy, competent Christian auto mechanic is. Now that i live two hours from Boston, i needed to find someone local. I contacted a brother who lives near me for his advice. He suggested a brother named Sanford, whom I had met a couple times in years past. I had no idea that he was a auto mechanic by trade. Contacted him, went to his place, and discovered that the Lord had just moved him out of a situation in which he would not have had any time to work on my car to one in which he could. Although we really didn't know each other we had good fellowship. It turned out that he facilitated a home group down the street. I asked if I could visit. He said sure & asked if I could share something from the Word. Two themes have been percolating in my heart for a long time. I've reflected on, prayed about, spoken to others, and taught parts of it but never together.
So last night I had the opportunity to worship & have fellowship with these saints, plus a nice healthy dinner. Those who teach know that sometimes it just flows, and it really poured out. When the Spirit takes over, and we are just the vessel, it's an awesome experience. I shared on the related themes of the Bride of Christ, and the Lord's Supper as a preview of the Wedding Supper of the Lamb.
The opportunity to get to develop some trust and relationship with this group opens the door for me to pray for them, and interact via e-mail, phone, or in person in the future. I got to do what God wants me to do, they expressed their appreciation, and all because i needed an oil change and a tire rotation.
Their heart of hospitality ("Welcome one another, as Christ has welcomed you, to the glory of God Romans 15:7) opened the door for a relative stranger. This is crucial for small, often isolated home groups.

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