Thursday, February 4, 2010

Bearing Fruit

Just finished Malachi, according to some of my friends, an Italian prophet, and with him the end of the Old Testament. As I emerge from the so-called minor prophets into the gospels, which I have read numerous times, I am acutely conscious of not wanting to read over them. I am asking God, through the Holy Spirit, to have the words of Jesus penetrate my soul and lodge in my heart so I may bear good fruit. I have a penchant for reading academic theological writing and amassing "head" knowledge. While this may have some value, it has definite limits.
God has given me the privilege of mentoring a man named Marvin who lacks formal education but had the benefit of a believing mother. As we work through the gospel of Mark together I am impressed again and again at how straightforward Jesus is. He teaches, heals, delivers, ministers in various ways. He came to serve, not to be served. (Matt. 20:28) I don't want to give Marvin factoids but to exemplify walking with Christ by applying what we read.
American Christianity seems to focus on a Sunday experience in which a highly educated, gifted person disseminates information. I hear Jesus saying to me- "Go with Marvin to his neighborhood and preach the gospel."

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