Monday, March 15, 2010

L. A.

Drove down to the L. A. area a week ago. Spent much of that time with Bill & Ileana enjoying their hospitality. Gathered with their home church Tuesday evening & shared a little about the ministry that God has called me too. Wednesday evening I saw a brother named Jim I had known from the old days & not seen for over 30 years. Met his wife Patti & two of their three children. Jim was one of the loyal foot soldiers in G. O. who went on to produce lots of good fruit, particularly in ministry to men.
On Thursday had the opportunity to spend time with Ross & Trina, an itinerant couple from the Boston area, at their children's home in Orange County. Had good fellowship, and also the chance to connect Steve, their son-in-law, with a group up in the Sacramento area, where he will take occupational training for the next six months. I am thankful when the Lord uses me to connect different people or groups together relationally.
Friday saw me getting together with Kenton for several hours and learning about a budding relationship in his life. He is a great younger man for whom I am thankful.
Took my leave of Bill & Ileana to jet down to Orange County Saturday morning to help my daughter and her husband move into a new apartment. Young friends facilitated their efforts and all went smoothly. Took the opportunity to talk to her about the unity of the body of Christ as Jesus prayed for in John 17.
Then Sunday afternoon trekked to LA (it seems impossible to go anywhere at any time in the LA metro area without running into traffic problems) to visit my friend Steve and his wife Margaret. Ended up having a great discussion with them and their friend Ted from Portland about house church. They asked a number of key questions and we ended up looking at the theme of the Lord's Supper in some detail. Quite refreshing to interact with people who are genuinely curious in this approach.
Today I hope to connect several brothers, and then go to visit our brother Ron in Carlsbad this evening. Am very thankful to God for recent validations to what I believe He has called me to do. Appreciate any and all prayers during this "road" time.

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