Saturday, June 15, 2013

Opportunities & Itinerary

Thursday night i was asked to share with a group of house church leaders. The Lord Jesus led me to the theme of teaching the Word of God on a regular basis. We looked at such verses as 1 Tim 3:1, Titus 1:9, 1 Tim. 4:6, 4:11, 4:16, 5:17, 2 Tim. 2:2, 2:24, 3:16-17, 2 Tim 4:1ff, Titus 2:15, Colossians 1:28, 3:16. The brothers were receptive and I actually made a joke in Portuguese. By His grace translation was provided but I am understanding more. We also looked at the role of the Holy Spirit in revealing the Word and teaching it to us.
    For those with a inclination and a map of Brazil I should visit the following places.  Vitoria, in Espirito Santu, Carangola & Manahuacu in minas Gerais, Aracruz coquieral in ES, Porto Alegre in the south, Bahia, Natal, Brasilia, and possibly Rio de janeiro.
    Just returned from a wonderful time with some young believers. One sister has organized a weekly class in English to help others who are learning the language. The class focusses on Biblical themes and ideas using immersion in English. I wish I could do this every week with them.  As Brazil is currently experiencing some major riots and protests over the rise of bus fares, which most people depend upon, we looked at the passage in romans 13 dealing with obedience to civil authorities.  We also saw a short video about church planting in Ethiopia. Thanks, Susanna.
    Last night went to a home with a number of other believers and heard the testimony and saw the photos of another sister who had recently traveled to Egypt and jordan.  After having learned Portuguese, Spanish, English and a little Dari, she is now working on Arabic. Some people just have the gift.

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