Tuesday, July 9, 2013


     Jimmy gave me a ride in his twenty-seven year old VW "Bug." What a trip! It brought back memories of the old hippie days. We visited a widow in the church. This is yet another example of the Brazilian Christians actually following the teachings of the NT ( 1 Timothy 5). She is a nice lady whose son is in medical school. When he graduates he will relieve the church of the burden of support. Until then God is caring for them through the believers.
   Later Samir & I went to visit a family in a suburb. This was the first house i have ever seen that did not have a security fence and other apparatus installed because their entire development is surrounded by fences and guards who control access to the main road. Security is a big concern in Brazil. Every business, apartment, house or store has security fences, some electrified, with security guards everywhere. Whenever a person drives in or out of their home they can contact security services that they have hired to watch over them during the vulnerable period when the gate is open. A few days ago i went to an ATM with about eight machines in a building. There were four security guards with night sticks, and you had to put all electronics and metal through something resembling an airport screener. The police wear flak vests and are heavily armed. But I feel safe because of the angels protecting me.
    The family we visited has three young adult children. Christian young adults live at home until they marry. They don't seem to have the same spirit of independence as in the US. They ate and fellowship together albeit at 10 PM. I don't know if i will ever adjust to Brazilian eating times- a small meal in the morning, a big lunch around 2, a small meal about 6 and another larger one at 10 or 11 or midnight or even the next morning. The husband of this family has been blind for almost twenty years yet he says that he is closer to Christ now and more active in His kingdom than ever before.
    This morning S & i walked to JN's home. He is one of the pastors here, and has written a book about the Ephesians 4:11 gifts, a theme deep in my own heart. He gave me a copy as a present and we had a good discussion on this subject. I am amazed to discover that his understanding of the nature of these gifts, how they work together with one another, and how they should function in the Body is identical to mine.

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