Saturday, October 31, 2009

Northern CA

After spending Sunday night with my daughter and son-in-law, I returned to Bill & Ileana's home in the "Inland Empire." God has knit our hearts together in an amazingly short time. Tuesday I trekked northeast to visit Jonathan Lindvall & family. We enjoyed good fellowship and worship together. Jonathan has a gift in facilitating praise to our King. Wednesday I drove to the San Jose area and met my brother Jeff for dinner. Then I went on to my western base, a Christian men's house near Oakland in which my good friend Dale has lived for several years. I have stayed there before and gotten to know Fred, the brother who owns the house. Thursday was a day of rest and doing odds and ends like laundry. That evening I went to my brother Jeff's big band practice. Seventeen musicians including 2 trombones- my brother's instrument. He started playing in elementary school. Also had the blessing of connecting via phone with Matt from Conn. I am greatly encouraged by what God is doing in his life. Friday night Dale and I enjoyed some good fellowship including a lengthy walk. Those who have read prior entries know that I like to take constitutionals. I don't often get the chance to do it with someone else. Saturday morning I left for Sacramento and met up with Brian and his family. Although we had barely met at a house church conference some years before we have enjoyed some edifying conversation. I believe God has a more expansive role for him to play in the future. Tomorrow I have the privilege of gathering with their group and to give a teaching i've been sitting on for awhile. "God reigns over the nations; God sits on his holy throne." (Ps. 47:8 ESV)

Thursday, October 29, 2009

An Emotional Subject

One of the predominant themes that I have observed as I near the end of my second month of full time itinerant ministry is that of financial bondage. Many of God's precious saints have been dragged down into considerable debt or other money related woes. Thirty years ago I gave my first seminar on the financial freedom that God desires us to walk in, and offered my services as a counselor. At that time I naively assumed that giving people technical information, like how to balance a checkbook, would solve the problem. Six couples later I realized that the real issue was not technical info but deep rooted attitudes planted in early childhood. Money was an emotional subject because it comprised significant portions of people's identity.
The typical answer in our society is that making more money will solve the problem. Yet I think of one individual whose income went up 50 % annually for a number of years but whose spending went up by a higher percentage. Some say, "If only I got a lump sum, then I'd be all right. Yet I think of two individuals, one who received $7-8,000 that paid off all his debts, and was in the same amount of debt a year and a half later, and a second who received several million dollars, and spent it all. Receiving a large lump sum didn't solve the underlying problem.

Again, I think it boils down to identity. Romans 12 tells us not to be conformed to this world. My true identity is who God says that I am, things like being a beloved son, or a king and priest. My identity need not be rooted in what I can purchase. God also provides principles that anyone can follow, Christian or not.
1. God owns everything/ we are stewards
2. Work hard
.3Live frugally- one of the best freedoms is that of not wanting to have whatever we see
4. Give to others in need
5. Invest wisely
6. Give it time
I had to learn these things that hard way. I am grateful that God allowed me to go thru hard times so I could.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Spiritual Parenting

God keeps flooding me with the theme of spiritual parenting (mentoring, discipleship). I spent the last few days in the company of men transitioning out of prison, and those seeking to minister to them. Many had embraced Christ. I found them respectful, courteous, hospitable, generous, eager to help and express the love of Christ. One evening i went with the founder of this ministry and two former inmates i'll call M & M to a "diversion" meeting, a program set up for minors who have been arrested for violating the city curfew. They pay a fine of $350 or attend a series of meetings designed to persuade them not to take up a life of dope, crime, gangs & prison. M, a black, and M, a Hispanic, eloquently and forcefully argued against this lifestyle, using their own lives to illustrate.
In the next few days, I lived in the company of ex-cons. I stood out like a sore thumb since I never was a street guy nor am i "inked." (tattooed) They are no different than anyone else. They desire what I call the three A's (affection/attention/approval) that everyone else wants. If you treat them with respect you have no problems. This opened the door for one on one ministry.
As I talked and listened to people one constant was present, the absence of a positive male role model. The men had grown up without a dad. He was dead, or in prison, or disappeared or whatever. In searching for adult male approval they had turned to the gang, a surrogate family.

On Sunday I had the oppty. to visit a home church in an affluent suburb and make an appeal to the saints there to give of their wisdom, perspective, experience in the role of spiritual parents. These brethren welcomed me, a veritable stranger, into their midst, allowed me to share, exercised hospitality and referred me to other saints with whom they are in relationship. May our Lord Jesus bless them with the love of God and the steadfastness of Christ. (2 Thess 3:5)

Thursday, October 22, 2009


The saints continue to show me exemplary hospitality. I had the joy & privilege of meeting Steve & Dorah, the latter the daughter of friends of mine, for the first time Sunday evening. I practiced for being a grandpa with their two sons, Nathan 2 1/2 & Adam 1. Listened to what was on their hearts, eventually suggested prayer, and then embarked on a discussion of the "one another" verses. Dorah asked an important question, which led to an extended excursus in the Letter. Throughly enjoyed my time with them, and hope to repeat it.

On Monday went back to San Diego, where Kerry & Terri Smith extended more wonderful hospitality. We climbed Cowles Mt. together. Quite a view from the peak & good exercise. Returned to their home, and enjoyed a nice healthy meal. As I explored their tastefully landscaped backyard, with its extensive variety of trees, plants and shrubs, I reflected that you can do things in the San Diego climate that you just can't do in Boston. The next morning Kerry took me to the top of Mt. Helix, which is surmounted by a cross visible from the freeway below. We sat in what looked like a replica of a Greek or Roman stone amphitheater. I explained more clearly what I believe God wants me to do, and we had a good time of prayer.

Tuesday saw me up in what the locals call the "Inland Empire," east of LA with Bill & Ileana. Their heart for people is as big as Canada. Bill took me into the Angeles National Forest & we hiked up a little trail. They crossed over into NT patterns of gathering some years ago & I had the privilege of fellowship with the brethren they know. Felt like God knit our hearts together in an amazingly short time. Good times of prayer and mutual encouragement together.

Wednesday returned to San Diego where my friend Larry is involved in prison ministry. God has blessed him with a large facility for prisoners transitioning out of incarceration to full civilian life. They operate Biblically & see many conversions. Larry is an evangelist with a powerful gifting. In the evening we went to a meeting of people preparing for a big outreach on Saturday. Many were young, some former gang members, mostly Hispanic, who have seen their lives transformed by the love of Christ. Instructive to see school principals, police, pastors, and others working together to give Christ to those who are perishing in their neighborhoods.

Today (Thursday) I'm getting caught up on logistical things & spending time with the One who loves me more than anyone else ever could.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Odds & Ends

As I interact with those who attend regular, traditional churches, the same questions keep popping up in my head. Are the people in any way prepared for the possibility that the government may take away the tax exemption for giving as they search for more revenue for their insatiable expenses? What would the people do if their pastoral staff is arrested for "hate" speech, or simply praying in the name of Jesus? What about locked church doors with a policeman preventing entry? Impossible?

I've spent the last week in San Diego. My daughter & son-in-law blessed me with dinner at a Mexican restaurant. The next morning i walked in refreshingly cool air in their beachfront town. I spent Monday with my friend Ron, a commercial artist and Christian visionary. God has worked similar hearts in us in such things as the unity of the body of Christ, and the crucial need for Christian parenting, me on the E. Coast and Ron on the West. Also enjoyed fellowship with Ross & Wendy, Chris, Johnny & Lynn.
Starting Wednesday i've enjoyed the hospitality of John & Venita, and Gary & Seija. Gary & John really have the joy of the Lord- they crack each other, and me up. Both possess wonderful gifts in facilitating worship. The three of us worshipped our Lord for over an hour one morning, one of the richest experiences I've had thus far.
People keep asking me if I miss my work. Went with Gary & John to a restaurant job one evening. No, I don't miss it a bit. One morning I got together with Joseph & Johnny & went down to Ocean Beach, where I lived for almost three years. They reiterated a theme I have heard continually all the way across the country, a grave concern for the future of the U. S. We ate at a Mexican place for lunch- do I detect a theme here?
Some very good conversations with John B. Also saw John R. at the City of Refuge & enjoyed a time of strong prayer together. Today was blessed with time with my daughter & her husband. Also visited Perris, CA, a town that has quintupled in size since i lived there about 35 years ago. Couldn't find the place where I had lived. May not be there anymore.
Good phone conversations with my friends Steve, Stephen, and Ed. Am praying that I will see the doors God has opened. Blazing hot here. 97 one day. Too hot for a Boston boy like me.

Monday, October 12, 2009

Festival of the Son

Had the privilege and joy of fellowshiping with a number of saints, most of whom I had not seen for over thirty years, and of honoring my "mother" in the Lord, a woman named Dacie, who had just turned ninety. I am amazed at the instant rapport I had with these brethren. Back in the Jesus People movement of the early 1970's we had lived communally, worked together in ministry businesses, worshiped and evangelized together. Later we had scattered to the ends of the earth. Now the Holy Spirit was drawing us back together. Although our organizational unity had shattered long ago, our relational unity had deepened. I found it rewarding and refreshing to have conversations with people whom i had only known from a distance.

At the same time i ran into people who are struggling with various things in their lives, whether financial, or needing to return to their first love (Jesus), or caught in difficult "church" situations. May we all seek the One who loves us more than anyone else ever could because of our human limitations. Jesus delights in His Bride; we need only please Him.

I hope that God uses what we experienced in this time as a catalyst to foster deeper relational unity, not just with those who were part of GO, but with many other saints whom we know. Several have suggested to me the possibility of a E. Coast version.

As one who has explored the original apostolic practices for almost a decade, the interactive/informal/bottom up rather than top down approach to the Festival encouraged me to believe that the Holy Spirit is restoring what He revealed in NT times.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Walking with God

Christians speak often of the need to "walk with God." This Thursday morning in Arizona, as I continued my practice of taking regular physical walks, I reflected on this theme. In the last month or so I've had the privilege of walking on logging roads, mountain trails, a college track while their football team practiced, past numerous fields of corn and soybeans in different states, on the streets of Chicago, with a friend down a bike path and another around his housing development. 1 Timothy 4:8 says that "while bodily training (physical exercise) is of some value, godliness is of value in every way, as it holds promise for the present life and also for the life to come." (ESV) I seek to use these times to cultivate my personal relationship with Jesus. He reminded me today that He cares for me more than anyone else ever could, and that if I receive from Him I have something to give to others rather than seeking to drain what they have for myself.

In recent days i have driven from a small town in western Iowa through hundreds of miles of grain in Nebraska- the 75 MPH speed limit in the west facilitates travel- through drier country in eastern Colorado, to 8,000 feet near Denver, with spectacular views, through the deserts of New Mexico to Tucson. The availability of water determines human habitatation, and its relative lack means long stretches without it. Tomorrow i head to southern California.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Providential Encounter

As I have a number of all day drives this coming week, I thought i'd make a blog entry today. Enjoyed my stay in SW Missouri and the hospitality of my sister and brother-in-law. Wednesday evening went to football games with 3rd & 4th, and 5th & 6th graders complete with an announcer, a professional looking field, bleachers, linesmen, referees and coaches, uniforms and a sizeable attendance. They take football very seriously. No public funds involved; all done through volunteers. Too bad we can't run the whole country that way. I found everyone in this small town friendly and helpful.

Thursday night I called my friends Ross & Trina, whom I have written of in these pages as fellow itinerant workers. I had not spoken to them for the better part of a month, and had no idea of their location. It turned out they were about a hundred miles west en route from CA to the Boston area. God blessed us all in fellowship, counsel and prayer as they stayed the night and the next morning before continuing their travel. Unlike so many in the body of Christ, they have a genuine heart for evangelism. We need more saints like them.

Saturday I drove up to western Iowa to visit my nephew Kyle. This morning we spoke on a topic that a number of others have broached as I have traveled west. Many people hold deep concerns about the current state and future of the country, particularly with regard to its political and economic systems. I believe their concerns are valid; I also believe we have gone over the edge of no return with both. The words of Jesus, "Watch and pray," keep returning to me in this context. Believers in Christ can place no ultimate hope in either politics or the economy but in Him alone.

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Missouri Meanderings

Enjoyed the rare privilege of some one on one time with my adult married daughter in the most unlikely place, Chicago's O'Hare airport as she waited for a plane to the coast. Among other things, we discussed the importance of our identity in Christ. I believe our insecurities originate in believing things about ourselves contrary to what God says we are in Christ. For example, He says we are "beloved children. (Ephesians 5 in the first several verses) Many people, including myself for many years, don't believe He loves His children.

Enjoyed the hospitality of my friends Tom & Diane that night. Thanks guys. Long drive (640 miles) to SW Missouri the next day. Southern Illinois has crops whereas southern MO has grazing animals. Crossed the Mississippi River about midday and called my friend Gary, who grew up in the area. (St. Louis)

I'm now immersed in small town America. Although I sometimes feel like a visitor from another planet, after having lived in major metropolitan areas most of my adult life, I find the change refreshing. Everyone is friendly and helpful- one gentleman stopped to offer me a ride as I did my morning constitutional-and the pace of life provides serenity. Family ties have meaning. Getting a driver's license, with private contract rather than government employees, was a pleasant experience instead of the usual stress.

If things go according to plan I intend to visit people in western Iowa, and the Denver and Tucson areas before heading out to a big gathering in southern CA. May the Lord Jesus reveal Himself to you in a deeper way.