Sunday, October 18, 2009

Odds & Ends

As I interact with those who attend regular, traditional churches, the same questions keep popping up in my head. Are the people in any way prepared for the possibility that the government may take away the tax exemption for giving as they search for more revenue for their insatiable expenses? What would the people do if their pastoral staff is arrested for "hate" speech, or simply praying in the name of Jesus? What about locked church doors with a policeman preventing entry? Impossible?

I've spent the last week in San Diego. My daughter & son-in-law blessed me with dinner at a Mexican restaurant. The next morning i walked in refreshingly cool air in their beachfront town. I spent Monday with my friend Ron, a commercial artist and Christian visionary. God has worked similar hearts in us in such things as the unity of the body of Christ, and the crucial need for Christian parenting, me on the E. Coast and Ron on the West. Also enjoyed fellowship with Ross & Wendy, Chris, Johnny & Lynn.
Starting Wednesday i've enjoyed the hospitality of John & Venita, and Gary & Seija. Gary & John really have the joy of the Lord- they crack each other, and me up. Both possess wonderful gifts in facilitating worship. The three of us worshipped our Lord for over an hour one morning, one of the richest experiences I've had thus far.
People keep asking me if I miss my work. Went with Gary & John to a restaurant job one evening. No, I don't miss it a bit. One morning I got together with Joseph & Johnny & went down to Ocean Beach, where I lived for almost three years. They reiterated a theme I have heard continually all the way across the country, a grave concern for the future of the U. S. We ate at a Mexican place for lunch- do I detect a theme here?
Some very good conversations with John B. Also saw John R. at the City of Refuge & enjoyed a time of strong prayer together. Today was blessed with time with my daughter & her husband. Also visited Perris, CA, a town that has quintupled in size since i lived there about 35 years ago. Couldn't find the place where I had lived. May not be there anymore.
Good phone conversations with my friends Steve, Stephen, and Ed. Am praying that I will see the doors God has opened. Blazing hot here. 97 one day. Too hot for a Boston boy like me.

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