Thursday, October 29, 2009

An Emotional Subject

One of the predominant themes that I have observed as I near the end of my second month of full time itinerant ministry is that of financial bondage. Many of God's precious saints have been dragged down into considerable debt or other money related woes. Thirty years ago I gave my first seminar on the financial freedom that God desires us to walk in, and offered my services as a counselor. At that time I naively assumed that giving people technical information, like how to balance a checkbook, would solve the problem. Six couples later I realized that the real issue was not technical info but deep rooted attitudes planted in early childhood. Money was an emotional subject because it comprised significant portions of people's identity.
The typical answer in our society is that making more money will solve the problem. Yet I think of one individual whose income went up 50 % annually for a number of years but whose spending went up by a higher percentage. Some say, "If only I got a lump sum, then I'd be all right. Yet I think of two individuals, one who received $7-8,000 that paid off all his debts, and was in the same amount of debt a year and a half later, and a second who received several million dollars, and spent it all. Receiving a large lump sum didn't solve the underlying problem.

Again, I think it boils down to identity. Romans 12 tells us not to be conformed to this world. My true identity is who God says that I am, things like being a beloved son, or a king and priest. My identity need not be rooted in what I can purchase. God also provides principles that anyone can follow, Christian or not.
1. God owns everything/ we are stewards
2. Work hard
.3Live frugally- one of the best freedoms is that of not wanting to have whatever we see
4. Give to others in need
5. Invest wisely
6. Give it time
I had to learn these things that hard way. I am grateful that God allowed me to go thru hard times so I could.

1 comment:

  1. My wife and I have lived fairly frugally and now have no debt thanks to God's gracious provision. It is liberating to not be in debt to man but only to our gracious God. We have had good parents who have taught us well and good counseling from godly Christians.
