Monday, October 12, 2009

Festival of the Son

Had the privilege and joy of fellowshiping with a number of saints, most of whom I had not seen for over thirty years, and of honoring my "mother" in the Lord, a woman named Dacie, who had just turned ninety. I am amazed at the instant rapport I had with these brethren. Back in the Jesus People movement of the early 1970's we had lived communally, worked together in ministry businesses, worshiped and evangelized together. Later we had scattered to the ends of the earth. Now the Holy Spirit was drawing us back together. Although our organizational unity had shattered long ago, our relational unity had deepened. I found it rewarding and refreshing to have conversations with people whom i had only known from a distance.

At the same time i ran into people who are struggling with various things in their lives, whether financial, or needing to return to their first love (Jesus), or caught in difficult "church" situations. May we all seek the One who loves us more than anyone else ever could because of our human limitations. Jesus delights in His Bride; we need only please Him.

I hope that God uses what we experienced in this time as a catalyst to foster deeper relational unity, not just with those who were part of GO, but with many other saints whom we know. Several have suggested to me the possibility of a E. Coast version.

As one who has explored the original apostolic practices for almost a decade, the interactive/informal/bottom up rather than top down approach to the Festival encouraged me to believe that the Holy Spirit is restoring what He revealed in NT times.

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